Why Do We Suffer From Insomnia? How To Deal With It?

If sleep is so necessary for our health, why is it sometimes difficult for us to fall asleep?  Not sleeping directly affects essential areas of the day to day that, little by little, can diminish our quality of life. The reasons why we suffer from insomnia can be very varied. We explain them below and we provide you with strategies so that you can improve your rest.

Sometimes we end up resorting to drugs, almost essential resources of our century where we can find a solution. But it is always worth knowing what causes a state, knowing what causes our insomnia. If we face the causes we may be able to solve the consequences, and thus alleviate those endless nights of waking where it is impossible to find rest.

What are the effects of insomnia?

The insomnia

We must be clear that insomnia is a reality that can affect many areas of our life. Not getting rest for three, four or six days in a row has a direct impact on our health. But how do we recognize that we are beginning to have a problem? These may be some of the signs that indicate an insomnia problem:

  • We have a hard time finding rest each night. It is not about five or six isolated days a month, it is something repeated.
  • We woke up very early and many times during the night.
  • We wake up tired.
  • We suffer irritability, anxiety, and even sadness.
  • Feeling of tiredness and sluggishness throughout the day.
  • We cannot concentrate, we forget things.
  • We can have small accidents.
  • We suffer from gastrointestinal problems.
  • Thinking about bedtime causes us anxiety.

Possible causes of insomnia


1. Emotional problems

Sometimes life brings us harsh realities that we must try to face. Sometimes they are not even more than small things, aspects that still concern us as well. When this happens, when we suffer a certain sadness, anxiety, fear or worry, a chemical imbalance can occur in our brain that keeps us “alert” and prevents us from being able to rest.

Stress and anxiety are enemies of sleep. The daily worries end up taking on a vivid relevance during the night, when the silence, the darkness, allows those sensations to emerge, keeping us alert.

2. Stimulants

The consumption of coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol and tobacco are stimulants that will prevent us from falling asleep properly. Some think that alcohol helps us sleep, but it is a serious mistake, since this substance will prevent “that we can find a deep sleep”, also causing us to wake up often. Try to avoid them or consume them wisely.

3. Some diseases

Arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, thyroid problems, gastrointestinal reflux, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s … can cause certain effects in our body that will prevent us from falling asleep. Either because of the pain, because of the difficulty in breathing, because of having changes at the hormonal level, or at the level of the central nervous system …

4. Medications

Medications such as antidepressants, allergy pills or blood pressure can affect our sleep. Sometimes they contain caffeine and other stimulants, which will cause us to have insomnia.

5. External stimuli

You may be used to using the computer at night, or regularly checking your cell phone or mobile phone. The waves from these devices directly alter our melatonin and in turn stimulate various neural regions that prevent us from getting rest. If, for example, you receive a message in the middle of the night and you consult it, it will probably take you a long time to go back to sleep. Mobile and computer screens are stimulating that prevent us from being able to rest normally.

6. Beware of large dinners

Large dinners can be the enemy of rest. The digestive process takes a long time to complete, our body will not be able to rest until it is finished, acidity and gastric juices keep us alert without us noticing. Hence, it is always necessary to eat at least two hours before going to bed, and if possible, light dinners. 

How to deal with insomnia?

  • Manage your problems, your worries and anxieties. Prevent those dimensions from coming to the fore when bedtime comes. Sometimes we can not avoid it, but try that at least those anxieties do not reach your pillow with such force.
  • Always go to bed at the same time.
  • Avoid heavy dinners. Includes at the end of the dinner an infusion of chamomile, chamomile or passionflower, ideal to find rest. If you do it continuously, in the end your body will get used to it and it will be easier to find rest through the help of infusions.
  • Avoid going to bed with your laptop or cell phone. Leave them two hours before going to sleep, otherwise they will activate you and excite your brain preventing you from resting.
  • Before going to sleep, take a bath with hot water, or a relaxing shower.
  • Try not to take naps in the middle of the day, do some sport, that way you will arrive more tired at the end of the day, wanting to close your eyes and find relief on your pillow.

Finally, do not forget that what we explain here does not replace the recommendations of a doctor. We recommend you go to a specialist if you are affected by insomnia.

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