Why Do I Wake Up Tired?

Many times I wake up tired, despite having slept many hours. Why is this happening? The reasons for fatigue being present when you get out of bed are many. Bad habits, stress or some diseases can be the cause.

You may think “if, even after sleeping for several hours, I wake up tired, surely something is wrong”. The causes of this are innumerable, but the truth is that it is very unpleasant or rather, uncomfortable. There is a feeling of heaviness in the body, discouragement and fatigue. Starting the day like this is not good.

The most striking thing is that many times it is not due to insomnia. So when you try to recap, you will think “ apparently, I get enough sleep and I have a deep sleep. Even so, I wake up tired and that feeling is repeated very often, without being clear why ”.

Then, as he continued to mull over the matter: “many times it doesn’t matter if I get up in the middle of the day, trying to end that fatigue. In the end, the same thing happens: I wake up tired, with a slow mind and a fatal state of mind. Why do I wake up tired? Why is sleep not enough to dispel that feeling? ” Let’s see the answers below.

Do I wake up tired? 

Tired woman in bed when waking up

The first thing to be clear about is that the body sleeps in cycles. As much as human beings are very adaptable, finally, the body and the mind work better if we lead a life with stable patterns. This has a decisive effect on fatigue.

If, for example, every day you get up at 7 in the morning and before 9 at night you are already in bed, but on the weekend you change that pattern, the body is  going to get confused. In those cases, you wake up tired, regardless of how many hours you slept.

Remember that the normal thing is that we have five sleep cycles, of 90 minutes each, per night. Each cycle, in turn, is divided into four stages. The point is, if you change your rest times, you may wake up at the wrong time: before the whole process is complete. The result? You wake up tired.

Sleep disorders

Sometimes the most obvious reason for us to wake up tired is sleep disturbances. If we frequently have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up several times at night, we will probably feel tired when getting out of bed and throughout the day.

Another disorder that affects the quality of rest is sleep apnea. This is a pathology in which a person pauses in breathing while sleeping. The direct effect of this abnormality is that, upon waking, you often feel as if you had not slept.

Consumption of some substances

The consumption of some substances, such as alcohol, is a great obstacle to achieving a good quality of sleep. This has a paradoxical effect: it causes drowsiness, but then it prevents us from sleeping soundly. Something very similar happens with certain medications, especially sedatives.

Another of the enemies of a good rest cannot be left out: coffee. A coffee in the morning is fabulous to feel more awake: that is its effect. On the other hand, if you take it at night, you will probably not be able to sleep well. It is best not to consume it at least five hours before going to sleep.

Psychological problems

Tired woman in bed.

Sometimes the reason we wake up tired is the way our mind works. Not a few go to bed and, before going to sleep, they review all the concerns that afflict them, or the decisions they must make. It is the worst time to do it. It generates “night anxiety” and damages rest.

In general, stress prevents us from having a peaceful sleep. This discomfort makes us stay alert, even sleeping. Therefore, we wake up easily and cannot sleep soundly. The most convenient thing, in those cases, is to go to relaxation techniques.

Other causes why I wake up tired

It is also very common to feel tired when you wake up if you do not have good sleep hygiene. That is, with the circumstances that really favor rest instead of hindering it. A lot of light, noise or high temperatures, for example, prevent you from really resting.

The above is also related to bad daytime habits. There are several studies that show that watching screens before going to sleep does not promote rest. It is also not good to eat large meals, especially if they contain a lot of sugar. Not exercising during the day also affects peaceful sleep.

On the other hand, when there are problems with the intestinal microbiota, these are usually reflected in a bad rest. This affects the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, which are necessary to relax and rest peacefully. If we don’t have a healthy microbiota, it won’t be easy to sleep soundly.

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