What Is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in many grain cereals and is essential for bakery products to grow. If we did not carry it, we would obtain a dense and heavy mass

Gluten is a group of proteins that can be found in some cereals. Gluten-containing grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats are important staples.

Gluten is one of the most complex protein networks and plays a key role in determining the properties of the dough. In addition, it is responsible for the elasticity of the masses, to which it provides volume and elasticity.

For some years, it has been determined that there are people who are intolerant to gluten, known as celiacs. However, gluten-free diets have become a popular trend, with more and more people restricting gluten from their diet, even if they are not celiac or gluten-sensitive.

There is some evidence that a gluten-free diet is not necessarily healthier for people who are not celiac and nutritional deficiencies can occur. Next, we will tell you more about this protein.

Facts about gluten

Gluten-free bread

Gluten is heat stable and has the ability to act as a binding and expanding agent. It is commonly used as an additive in processed foods to improve texture, flavor, and moisture retention.

It is important to knead cookies or cakes for a short time, to prevent this protein from developing too much, as is the case with pasta and breads.

The factors that affect the final development of this protein can be:

  • Temperature
  • Liquids
  • The fats
  • The sugar
  • Acids
  • The salt
  • The flour

If they were gluten-free, they would not rise and subsequently would not acquire a firm structure. Making a pastry or bakery product without this protein would result in a dense and heavy dough.

However, it can also be found in other less obvious sources, such as processed meat, seafood substitutes, and vegetarian meat substitutes ; and as thickeners, emulsifiers, or gelling agents in candy, ice cream, butter, condiments, fillings, marinades, and dressings.

What is gluten? Foods that contain it

This protein is found in wheat, barley, rye, and other foods made from grains.

All of these foods contain gluten: white flour, candeal wheat, graham flour, kamut wheat, wheat germ, wheat bran, pasta, couscous, flour tortillas, bread, cookies, muffins, cereals, cakes, beers, sauces, dressings , oatmeal, breadcrumbs, bouillon cubes, hams, made fries, rice, soy sauce, salad dressings, and mayonnaise.

Therefore, they are not advisable for people with celiac disease. It is recommended that the doctor or nutritionist develop a specific diet for these cases.

Is it possible to eat a gluten-free diet?

Gluten-free foods

Being a digestive disorder, to stop suffering from gluten intolerance, all foods that contain it must be eliminated from the daily diet. Without a doubt, it is a difficult step because we are used to consuming a lot of flour, but that is the only way to control a disease that has many disorders, especially in the intestines.

There are hundreds of delicious gluten-free recipes, that is, it does not contain wheat flour in its preparation. However, remember that, except for people with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or another gluten-related disorder, a diet without this protein is no healthier.

The presence or absence of gluten does not mean that the food or diet is of better quality. The important thing is to follow a balanced diet, with a wide selection of foods, whether gluten-free or not.

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