Uses Of Mouthwash You Did Not Know About

Mouthwash is a liquid that is used for the hygiene of the oral cavity. Its main function is to eliminate bacteria and microorganisms that can cause problems such as halitosis or cavities, among others.

However, outside the scope of hygiene it can also be used. Here we explain some of the best uses you can give it. 

1. To clean the toothbrush

Mouthwash is antiseptic, therefore it is ideal for cleaning your toothbrush.  You just have to leave it overnight soaked in a little rinse. The next day, wash it with hot water and use it as usual. You will notice a big difference.

2. To eliminate unpleasant odors


There are odors that are so penetrating that they can even become annoying. We are talking about those that remain when handling foods such as onion, garlic or fish in the kitchen. To end it, you just have to rub a little mouthwash on your hands and that’s it.

Mouthwash is also helpful in removing the odor from your shoes. You just have to put a little rinse in a spray bottle and spray it on the inside of your shoes.

You can also prevent your trash from having a bad smell by putting a few cottons soaked with mouthwash inside the bucket at the bottom.

3. Helps fight fungi

To combat fungus that affects the toenails, you can use mouthwash (undiluted). There are those who claim that its effectiveness can be enhanced with a little vinegar.

In that case, you will have to put two equal parts of mouthwash and vinegar in a container . Soak a cotton ball with the mixture and apply it on the nail or foot between 2 to 3 times a day. If you do it consistently, in a couple of weeks you will see the results and you will notice the difference.

4. Helps prevent dandruff

Mouthwash can also help you prevent dandruff and, thanks to its antifungal properties, it can be a perfect product to prevent its appearance.

To do this, before bathing, mix a little water and mouthwash in a container. Once you have washed your head with the usual shampoo, apply this mixture to your scalp and let it act for a few minutes and then rinse.

5. Prevents lice

Thanks to menthol, mouthwash is a great ally to drive away lice; this is an odor that lice cannot stand. So if you have been notified that there is an outbreak of lice at your child’s school, you can spray a little mouthwash on their hair as a prevention. Be careful, no mouthwash does not help to eliminate lice, only to prevent them.

6. Relieves mosquito bites

The senses and mosquito bites

Mosquito bites can be very annoying, but now there is a way to relieve them that is quite simple. Just use a little mouthwash. You will only have to moisten a cotton ball with a little of this liquid and press it on the bite for a few minutes. This will not only help relieve itching but also reduce swelling.

7. To disinfect wounds

Mouthwash can also be a good product for disinfecting wounds. For example, if you recently opened a piercing or have some other superficial wound, you can clean the area with a little rinse to prevent it from becoming infected and heal faster. 

8. So your flowers stay fresh

If you want to keep your bouquets in perfect condition, the mouthwash can also help you. You will have to put the freshly cut flowers in water. For every ½ liter pour 3 caps of mouthwash. This will help them last longer and look better.

9. will clean your bathroom


You can have cleaner tiles if you use a solution made from a cup of water and a half of mouthwash. You will see that they will be brighter and super clean. It also serves to prevent mold growth in the toilet area. To do this, you will have to put a little rinse inside and let it act for about an hour.

When using mouthwash, remember:

Keep in mind that the mouthwash, in most cases, must be diluted so that it is not so aggressive in contact with the skin and hair. However, to clean or disinfect objects it can be used undiluted.

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