To Give Respectful Children To The World, Raise Respected Children

To give respectful children to the world it is necessary to have been respected during our childhood. During those early periods that mark a person’s life so much.

When it comes to talking about parenting and educational styles, each parent is very free to assume the trend that he or she believes is most appropriate in regards to their values. Now, one aspect that we can never neglect is that of children’s own happiness.

We must also think that, tomorrow, they must be adults capable of building a better world, a more complete, nobler world.

Educating is an act of responsibility and the most important action that we are going to carry out. Nor should we be obsessed with it or aspire to be the most perfect parents. Sometimes it’s just about following the voice of our hearts. Today in our space we want to talk to you about conscious and respectful education.

Respectful children, beloved children

When a child comes into the world we know very little about him yet. Not everything that he is going to show us in a few months or in a few years are inherited characters, nor will he respond to what we instill in him ourselves.

Each child will develop their own tastes, their own identity, they will have their own passions and concerns. Children are not copies of their parents, nor is it our obligation to determine everything they should think and feel.

Our task is to accompany them in this growth process through love and respect. If we want them to be respectful children, nothing better than raising respected children, children who are loved and valued.


Respect the natural growth rate of your children

Throughout the 90s the importance of early stimulation became very topical. It is something, without a doubt, wonderful, exceptional and a key strategy to allow many children with developmental problems to settle basic processes.

  • Now, do not confuse early stimulation with “acceleration”. There are mothers who are obsessed with their children being competent readers by the age of four.
  • There are families that educate children who solve mathematical exercises when they are 5 years old, who already start in two foreign languages ​​at the same time and who also attend ballet, music, soccer classes …
  • Acceleration sometimes brings stressed children out into the world. The stress, anxiety, and pressure of having to conform to certain expectations will never be a respectful education.
  • It allows children to be raised “over low heat and with love”. Let them play, discover the world of your hand, take their first steps, get dirty in the park, run, fall and get back up …

All this is to exercise respect for the growth of your children. By feeling loved and respected, they will also be respectful children.

Understand their feelings, help them channel their emotions

Whoever raises his voice to his children telling them “don’t cry because you’re old” or “don’t talk nonsense that now I don’t have time and I’m tired”  forever marks their emotional world.

  • Respectful education carries out an adequate approach with the little ones, to allow them to channel their emotional world, to understand their anger, their fear, their anxiety …
  • Respect for one’s own emotions is an exercise in health and growth that our children will always appreciate.
  • If they feel listened to, if they perceive that every word they say out loud will be attended, they will grow in security and maturity.

Respect is also setting limits

Educating with respect does not at all mean not putting limits on children. It is necessary. Just as society itself gives us its own, the little ones must be able to assume and internalize some rules, some duties.

Marking rights and duties is also a form of respect in the education of a child. It allows them to manage their frustration and know what is expected of them at all times.

The child who does not know where the limits are will try to cross them every day and, seeing the negative result, will feel frustrated and lost. Therefore, they will not be respectful children because we will not have taught them how to build self-respect.

As we can see, this kind of respectful parenting is what many families carry out every day. And they do it this way because they know that love and respect are those invisible ties that best guide the steps of their children.

Children need to walk safely, but at the same time feeling free to set their own pace, knowing what they can and cannot do. Be the best role model for your children. Remember that at the moment they are “little learners” of life and that they learn more by example than by word.

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