Tips To Prevent Hair Loss

A beautiful and abundant hair is the dream of all women, since it makes us all feel safe – without exception – girls, young people and adults; everyone likes and cares about having healthy, shiny and healthy hair. That is why avoiding hair loss is so important.

There are different causes that make our hair fall more than normal, among them they can be stress,  poor nutrition or hormonal or dermatological problems. It also occurs in the elderly.

What can we do to prevent hair loss?

There are some natural remedies that we can put into practice to help alleviate this problem. However, you must bear in mind that these remedies do not replace the application of a treatment for hair loss in cases such as alopecia. If you think that you may have alopecia and your hair loss is not specific, then you should consult your dermatologist.


We must be very careful with food, since it influences both our hair and the skin and nails, since these are made up of a protein called keratin, which is produced by our body, and if the hair is weak, it is very We may not be producing this protein and we must stimulate its production with a good diet.

Some foods that could be favorable for the production of keratin in our body are:

  • Dairy products (such as cheeses, yogurt and milk -all low in fat-).
  • Eggs.
  • Lean meats

Vitamin C

The consumption of vitamin C is also very important, since it could help our body assimilate keratin; We can frequently consume the juice of all kinds of citrus fruits to get this vitamin. 

It should be noted that, among other things, vitamin C helps to inhibit the negative effects of free radicals that damage hair. Therefore, both its consumption and its external use could help prevent the breakage and fall of the hair strands.

Likewise, it could have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, which would improve both oxygenation and the transport of nutrients to the hair follicles.

Do you mistreat your hair?

Only you know what aggressive treatments and products you have subjected your hair to: ammonia dyes, sodium shampoos, dryers or straighteners, among others.

You could easily substitute these products for others less harmful to your hair, such as ammonia dyes for natural colors such as henna:

Also, there is a wide variety of sodium-free shampoos and conditioners on the market.

All this will not harm your hair and you will also find natural restorative treatments.

Remember, you have to try not to use the dryer and the iron very often.

How else can hair loss be stopped?

Massages may help strengthen the scalp.
You can perform hair massages yourself, which stimulate the hair follicles and help a healthier and stronger growth.

This treatment can be done three times a week, in this way your hair will become healthier and stronger.

To perform these massages you can use coconut milk with a little almond oil, you mix them very well and with your fingertips you gently massage the entire scalp; you let it act for about thirty minutes, and then you rinse it off with warm water.

The advice described here is not a substitute for applying a medical or dermatological treatment to your hair. If your hair falls out, it is best to visit a dermatologist, as a professional will be able to help you better.

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