Tips To Prevent And Treat Acne

Acne is a fairly common disease that affects a large number of people around the world. Numerous tips have been given on how to prevent and treat acne, but many times they have no effect.

This pathology consists of the appearance of pimples with different dimensions on the surface of the skin. Below the dermal tissue are located the sebaceous glands, which, when blocked, become irritated and inflamed causing bumps on the skin that bring problems to those who suffer from them, mainly because of how painful they can be.

These glands tend to become inflamed in specific areas and more in some areas than others, such as the shoulders, back, neck, chest and face.

It is important to know that this condition appears in a higher proportion among adolescents. At these ages, the human body undergoes a series of biopsychosocial transformations that modify it.

During this process, hormonal changes are quite drastic, hence the tendency for the disease to appear in the youth stage. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent and treat acne as soon as possible.

Why is it produced?

prevent and treat acne

Despite the studies carried out by different prestigious universities around the world,  the exact cause for which acne appears is not known.

However, scientists have been able to observe that there are triggers for the disease, such as sudden hormonal changes in youth.

Therefore, it is also common for a pregnant woman to have the disease, since hormonal levels skyrocket.

Some contraceptive methods can cause acne, since they modify normal hormonal values, creating a perfect environment for the development of this disease.

Preventing and treating acne depends, to a large extent, on the care that the person takes of their skin and themselves, since bad habits such as lack of exercise and an unbalanced diet will benefit the progression of the disease.

Next, we will teach you some tips and healthy lifestyle habits that you should adopt to try to prevent and treat acne.

Hydrate well and do physical exercise

prevent and treat acne

Consume between 2 and 3 liters of water per day. Many people are not really used to doing it, but like everything, it is a matter of attitude and motivation. If you want a problem to improve, something must be done about it.

By ingesting the recommended amounts of water, the body will have greater resources for the elimination of toxins.

On the other hand, exercising cannot be left in the background ; since it is equally essential to have a proper health to begin to perform an exercise routine that is suitable for you.

Facial cleansing to prevent and treat acne

The skin is also an organ that requires a lot of care, so good hygiene is a fundamental part of acne treatment.

It is important to wash your face twice a day with warm soapy water,  preferably in the morning after getting up and the next morning before going to bed.

When we get up we must clean our face correctly, because when we sleep our skin cells regenerate so that the older ones form a layer above the new ones in which debris can accumulate that can inflame our hair follicles.

At night it is extremely important to perform a correct cleaning, since the impurities of your face and the pollutants, can favor the appearance of acne.

You must find a soap recommended for the treatment of skin conditions, since these are neutral and do not have fats that aggravate the problem.

Other tips to finish

In addition to the recommendations that we have exposed throughout the article, we want to expand them and leave you others that are very effective in preventing and treating acne:

  • Use a towel only and exclusively for yourself.
  • Exfoliate your face every 15 days.
  • Wash your hands before touching your face.
  • Avoid applying the body cream to your face.
  • Makeup in women must be completely closed and isolated from the outside environment to avoid contamination.
  • Do not use greasy makeup.
  • Change pillowcases and sheets regularly.
  • If your skin is oily, you should wash your face to avoid excess oil.

Try to take into account all these tips and you will see how your condition improves. In any case, we always recommend that you go to the doctor in the first instance, so that he can advise you better for your personal case.

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