Tips To Eliminate Toxins And Improve Your Immune System

What does “eliminate toxins” mean to you? Most people think of fasting, diet, or cleansing. However, these actions can bring unwanted effects such as dehydration, anxiety or fatigue.

Today, detox or cleansing diets that are implemented with the purpose of eliminating toxins are widespread. However, there is no convincing research to support the use of detox diets for weight control or the elimination of toxins from the body, so use caution.

The body already has mechanisms to get rid of toxins naturally. Anyway, if you feel that something is not going well, it is best that you go to your doctor to carry out the appropriate tests.

In this article, you will learn some healthy habits that could help you improve your immune system.

The detoxification process

Detoxification is actually a natural process of the liver, the largest internal organ we have. However, poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle can cause it to not function properly over time and to develop other problems.

To avoid this, we must eat healthy foods, but also reduce exposure to toxins. How? Through diet and a healthier lifestyle.


How to eliminate toxins and increase defenses

Eat cruciferous fruits and vegetables

These food groups help produce more detoxifying enzymes. For example, broccoli contains sulforaphane, according to a study in mice, broccoli could protect the liver from liver injury. Other detoxifying foods that you should incorporate into your diet are:

  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Apples
  • Papaya
  • Artichokes
  • Chard
  • Beet
  • Spinach

Spice up the food

Add herbs and spices like rosemary, coriander, and garlic to your dishes. It is a simple way to add flavor to your meals and, at the same time, increase your defenses.

Allicin (garlic), apigenin (coriander), and carnosol (rosemary) are compounds that induce detoxification enzymes to do their job better.


Be careful what you breathe

Every home should have a carbon monoxide detector and a fire alarm. But you should also invest in a radon kit. Long-term exposure to this chemical, which seeps into your home from the ground, can cause lung cancer.  Also be very careful with poor stoves or ovens, as they can release carbon monoxide into the air.

If you pass near a fire or a factory that is emitting its smoke through chimneys, or if you walk through the center of the city, try to wear a mask so you do not breathe in all those harmful elements. If you don’t like the idea of ​​walking down the street in disguise, you can avoid the busiest avenues. Also stay away from smokers.

Exercise at least three times a week

Swimming, the perfect exercise

Among the tips to eliminate toxins is physical activity. This increases your heart rate and makes your blood move and carry nutrients to the organs, discarding what is useless. Exercise has also been shown to produce healthy changes in our DNA.

Beneficial foods for the body

How to eliminate toxins and fight overweight

To continue with the tips to eliminate toxins, it is worth knowing that there are more good foods for your immune system. Pay attention to this list of foods that you should never miss in your meals :


It has vitamin C, which is believed to help improve defenses so that we do not get sick, in addition to lycopene, a substance that is responsible for the red color of fruits and vegetables. Lycopene works as an antioxidant.


Grapes contain antioxidants, which stimulate cardiovascular function. Grapes contain a variety of phytochemicals, such as phenolic acids, stilbenes, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanidins.


Celery, due to compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and caempferol, has antioxidant characteristics to scavenge free radicals. It has vitamin C and could strengthen cell walls.


It has folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. According to some research, asparagus could function as a potential protective agent against oxidative stress, liver and kidney damage.


Lemon has vitamin C and many antioxidants that help strengthen cells. It also stimulates the gallbladder and allows digestive and liver functions to develop better.

Remember that, although these foods are known for their beneficial properties, they can never replace the medical treatment prescribed by a professional in case of serious illness.

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