Tips And Recommendations For Washing And Disinfecting Fruits And Vegetables

Do you know how to disinfect fruits and vegetables to avoid health risks? These foods are essential to preserve the well-being of our body, but sometimes they contain dangers that we do not see.

Fruits and vegetables offer a variety of nutritional contributions essential for the proper functioning of the body’s systems. And, at the same time, they help us improve our defenses to avoid disease risks.

The best way to eat fruits is in its natural state or in juices that do not contain any type of preservative. Meanwhile, the vegetables should be consumed some raw and others boiled, but in little water so that their properties are better used.

Methods for washing and sanitizing fruits and vegetables

Although these foods offer great benefits, they are highly exposed. On the one hand, they are sensitive to environmental pollution. On the other hand, various poisons and chemicals are used in crops to prevent pests.

And, on the other hand, when they are already at the point of sale, fruits and vegetables can have contact with different people. In this way, dirt or bacteria on their hands can get onto food.

Freshly washed fresh vegetables

To completely eliminate any risk, it is essential to wash fruits and vegetables very well. And you have to disinfect in case they are going to be eaten raw. Here are some possibilities:


It is an element that has disinfectant and antioxidant properties in fruits and vegetables, as shown in this study by the University of Anakara. This allows them to last longer in good condition and eliminates the infections present on their surface.

To wash and disinfect fruits and vegetables, you just have to pour a cup of vinegar into a container of water. They should be soaked for at least 20 minutes.

Lemon mixed with vinegar is also suitable for preserving fruits. Equal parts of water, vinegar and lemon juice should be sprayed . The fruits are sprayed with this liquid until they are completely covered, let it act for 10 minutes and rinse.


Earthenware soap is also said to be very suitable for disinfecting. However, it must be used in small quantities. In addition, after use, the fruit or vegetable must be washed well to remove any soap particles that may alter its flavor.

However, from the US Food and Drug Administration magazine they recommend not using any commercial product, such as soap or sterilizing tablets, as it points out that if we have certain types of food for a long time with this type of product, bacteria can even, multiply.

Tea tree oil

There is also no recent research on this, but it is believed that to disinfect fruits and vegetables you can also mix water with 5 drops of tea tree oil. Food should be submerged and left to act for a few minutes. Then you just have to extract and rinse well.

Important Recommendations

Vegetables washing in the sink.

To eliminate any presence of bacteria, it is essential to wash each of the foods well before being consumed. But it is advisable not to do it with hot water or using chemicals, as they could lose properties.

In addition, before preparing these foods, make sure that the containers and utensils that we will use in the preparation are clean and free of bacteria.

It is also essential not to handle food without having washed your hands well. Pay particular attention to the nails and the spaces between the fingers.

On the other hand, not in all fruits or vegetables it is advisable to remove the skin, since it can have large amounts of nutrients. In the same way, it is recommended to wash the fruits or vegetables again after peeling, so that the bacteria present on the outside do not contaminate the pulp.

Similarly, if you wash vegetables like lettuce or cabbage, you should discard the outer leaves. This is where more bacteria accumulate. On the other hand, it is necessary to wash sheet by sheet to eliminate the fecal presence of insects or poison.

Other tips

Basket with clean fruits

It is essential to ensure that fruits or vegetables, or any food consumed is free of bacteria. If food is not properly washed, intestinal and digestive disorders and disorders may occur.

Fruits and vegetables in their natural state make great nutritional contributions to the body in the form of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other components. They are basic elements for the proper functioning of the human body, but the risks must be taken into account.

You should never stop consuming them, but you must not forget that, even if it is not visible, chemical agents, pesticides, traces of heavy metals and bacteria can cover its surface. Sanitizing fruits and vegetables is a time consuming task, but it can prevent serious health problems.

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