The Magic Spice ?: Curious Traditions About Saffron

Saffron comes from a delicate purple flower that contains only three stigmas inside. It is there where its magic is, its properties and that spice that kings and pharaohs adored. The stories tell that, for Cleopatra, it was her best cosmetic and that magic powder with which to make love spells.

It is also said that Alexander the Great, for his part, bathed in pools where they mixed water with saffron to heal his wounds. This ancient spice hides in its delicate stigmas wonderful properties essential for everyday life, and for those more magical tasks that were used to be entrusted to the gods in the past. We are sure that you are going to love knowing all these traditions associated with this spice.

Saffron, a spice with great tradition


As you can see, saffron is much more than a spice that gives color to our dishes. In its three delicate stigmas a whole past of legend and seduction is inscribed. It was that medium with which to speak with the gods, invoke love spells, decorate the body or perfume houses and cities.

To this day, this spice continues to be deeply rooted in the Mediterranean area, and serves as an essential piece in its gastronomy. However, it is very clear that it is much more than a simple coloring: it is a small historical legacy full of curiosities that are worth knowing.

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