The Harmful Effects Of Tobacco On Health

The harmful effects of tobacco on health and its dependence on nicotine make smoking the worst disease in the world.

There are many harmful effects of tobacco. Therefore, tobacco use is one of the main causes of death and disease. In addition, it should be noted that it affects both those who have the habit and those who are close, known as “passive smokers”, as confirmed by multiple agencies and health institutions from all over the world.

In fact, smoking is closely related to the risk of developing cancer, as well as serious respiratory and heart disease. This is –among other issues– because tobacco damages the body from the first moment the first cigarette is smoked, and as time progresses, these damages become more and more noticeable and serious.

It does not matter if you smoke a cigarette a day or if you smoke half a box, it is proven that tobacco is harmful to health in many aspects. Therefore, it is a vital matter to avoid it or to leave it, as the case may be.

Which is smoking?

Woman revealing the damage of tobacco in the oral cavity

It is called “smoking” the habitual consumption of tobacco, or what is the same, tobacco addiction. The psychiatrist José Valdevilla exposes it as follows:

One of the components of tobacco is nicotine, which not only creates dependence, but also causes illnesses in the consumer. It acts on the central nervous system; generating an asymptomatic relief of anxiety and causing an antidepressant effect.

For all these reasons, abstinence from tobacco is usually perceived with intensity and quitting smoking requires appropriate medical treatment, as well as psychological rehabilitation.

Discover: Benefits of quitting smoking and effective techniques

Harmful effects of tobacco on health

Smoking is considered a disease due to its impact on a physical, psychological and social level. These are the main harmful effects that smoking causes in people.

Increases the risk of lung disease

cigarette smoke

Tobacco affects the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems, being the main cause of cancer in the lungs, larynx, urinary system and digestive organs. 

In addition, it increases the possibility of getting stomach ulcers, heart disease and blood vessels. In turn, it reduces defenses and immunity against some infections.

Several studies have shown that tobacco increases the risk of smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis and peptic ulcer. On the other hand, it predisposes to coronary, cerebral and peripheral arterial arteriosclerosis.

It also aggravates the intensity, frequency, and rhythm of asthma;  triggering this disease or causing those who suffer from it to feel more likely to start an asthmatic picture.

Causes skin and tooth damage

Risk during pregnancy.

Smoking causes wrinkles in the skin due to the degradation of elastic fibers. In addition to unpleasant breath, yellow teeth, waxy and gray complexion and, also, less scarring.

According to an article published by the Cuban Journal of Stomatology, another of the harmful effects of tobacco on health is that it causes malignant effects on the oral mucosa; as well as gingivitis and periodontitis. This is due to the heat that is produced by the combustion of the cigarette.

It can cause abortions and diseases in the fetus

According to the following study, pregnant women who smoke have a 33% chance of aborting. They can also pass nicotine to the fetus, causing lower birth weight, respiratory, cardiovascular and allergic problems, or permanent organ damage.

Although health problems develop from the time we start smoking, it takes years for the lungs to be completely clear.

Tobacco not only detracts from health, but also takes life

As you have seen, there are many scientifically proven risks around smoking, so it is a habit that you should try to avoid if you want to enjoy health and well-being.

Keep in mind that if you are already a smoker and want to quit, you can always seek professional help to develop and apply an appropriate strategy for you. Come on, yes you can!

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