The Best Breakfasts To Have A Lot Of Energy

Since it is the first meal after a long period of fasting, it would be convenient for our breakfast to include foods that provide us with enough energy to face the day in the best way

If in the morning you feel like you have no “fuel”, you have a hard time starting the day and you are a zombie until noon, you may be lacking some nutrients in the first meal of the day. Did we discover the best energy breakfasts?

Better breakfasts for energy


Many people do not know the importance of having a good breakfast to have strength throughout the day. We are used to drinking a cup of coffee while changing or putting on makeup, and even leaving the house on an empty stomach.

The best breakfasts include a balanced supply of the following nutrients:

1. Carbohydrates

To have more energy, it is essential to consume healthy carbohydrates, that is, sources of glucose that the body transforms into fuel.

The good thing about these foods is that they keep us strong for much longer and do not provide too many calories.

2. Proteins

We recommend eating low-fat protein and fruit shakes, especially in summer, to provide the body with the nutrients it needs and to start the day with well-charged batteries.

3. Dairy

Adding dairy to breakfast is very important! We advise you as an alternative to cow’s milk, almond or oat milk to avoid the large amounts of fat and cholesterol in dairy products (especially whole ones).

Eating breakfast properly has many benefits. Not only does it calm the appetite, but it also activates the metabolism and prevents overeating during the day.

Contrary to popular belief, a large breakfast allows you to lose weight and reduce anxiety, as long as healthy foods such as fruits and cereals are chosen.

If you are not used to so much food early on, you can add more amounts little by little.

It is also important not to binge on dinner and to avoid going to bed within 3 hours of the last meal. This way the body will wake up hungry and it will be easier to choose a full breakfast.

Preparation of the best breakfasts

Not eating breakfast every morning forces the body to use its reserve energy.

We must bear in mind that, after having spent about 7 hours without food in the stomach, when we get up, we need to recharge the batteries.

  • A good breakfast (energetic and healthy) should contain protein, slow digesting carbohydrates and fruits or vegetables.
  • It is very important to choose whole grains and whole grains (high in fiber) to avoid running out of energy in the middle of the morning.
  • It also includes a hard-boiled egg and / or a handful of nuts.
  • We recommend  avoiding processed foods (because they increase blood cholesterol).
  • Consume Greek yogurt at least 3 times a week (for its proteins) and make sure that each serving has less than 5 grams of sugar.

5 foods for energizing breakfasts

You may find it too much to eat 5 different ingredients so early. However, as time goes by, you will realize the benefits of a protein and low-fat breakfast.

As for the foods that cannot be missing in your breakfasts we find:

1. Coffee

Although they try to demonize this drink, the truth is that consumed in its right measure it can be of great help to increase energy.

Caffeine has the ability to improve mood and increase mental performance. It also reduces the feeling of tiredness and fatigue and could reduce the risk of suffering from certain conditions, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Chile.

But be careful: only one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon is recommended.

2. Nuts

They are very rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. While they provide a good amount of calories, they also fill you up and keep you from “snacking” between meals.

Nuts have vitamin E, magnesium and manganese, reduce the risk of diabetes (according to this study from the University of Toronto) and heart disease (according to this research from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health) and are a perfect ally for yogurt or milk.

3 eggs

An egg at breakfast improves brain function (as stated in this study by the University of Tenneesse, in the United States), balances cholesterol levels and avoids the consumption of additional calories during the day.

4. Flax seeds

Flax seeds benefits

Also called flaxseed, they are small seeds but with a great nutritional contribution. Flax provides omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B1, fiber and magnesium (among other minerals).

A tablespoon of these seeds mixed with juice or yogurt reduces glucose and cholesterol, as stated in this study carried out by the Fluminense Federal University (Brazil).

5. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the essentials for breakfast to be energetic. It can be consumed combined with yogurt, milk or juice, in the form of cream or cookies.

It provides you with a large amount of nutrients including fiber, iron and magnesium. But, without a doubt, one of the main virtues of oats is that it provides a lot of satiety.

The stomach will be satisfied for several hours and you will avoid the famous “pica pica” before lunch.

Other foods that cannot be missed at breakfast are:

  • Yogurt (better if it is Greek)
  • Fresh fruit (juice, smoothie, or whole)
  • Curd
  • Green tea (to reduce caffeine)

If you follow these tips, you will prepare the best energy breakfasts in the world!

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