Prevent And Eliminate Foot Fungus

A humid environment is ideal for the proliferation of fungi, so we must try to keep the area as dry as possible.

Fungi can occur anywhere on the body, but one of the most common areas is the feet. Like any other part, the feet require special care. However, most people downplay their feet. They only start paying attention to them when problems have already arisen.

Fungal infections, also known as mycosis, present with a very annoying itch that can make the sufferer despair. In addition to affecting the feet, they can also affect the nails, reaching the point of completely destroying them.

To avoid the appearance of fungus on the feet and nails, it is very important to give them special care. Keep in mind that places such as swimming pools, clubs and footwear are the main causes of the appearance of this problem.

Prevention of foot and nail fungus

Natural remedies to fight fungus

To avoid the appearance of fungus in the feet and nails, it is enough to have some hygiene care on the feet every day. Especially, this hygiene should be done when putting on shoes. Let’s see some recommendations published in Harvard Health Publishing :

  • Be careful with public showers: in clubs, gyms, swimming pools and campsites, among others, there are usually quite crowded public showers. In these places, due to the high humidity, there is a greater risk of catching foot and nail fungus. For this reason, it  is very important to wear flip flops and, when you get home, wash your feet thoroughly.
  • Hydration: on summer days, the skin of the feet tends to suffer more aggressions than in any other climate. To avoid the cracks that form on the feet, it is very important to hydrate them well every day using moisturizing foot creams.
  • Talc: Using talc on both footwear and feet could help prevent fungus, according to popular wisdom. Choosing an antiperspirant powder would be important for those who suffer from excessive sweating.
  • Footwear: to avoid fungi, it is recommended to choose a shoe with ventilation that allows the foot to breathe.
  • Use a personal and exclusive towel for the feet: it would be advisable to use a personal towel exclusively for the feet. After use, it should be left in the open air so that it dries well and fungi do not proliferate in it.

How to relieve fungal symptoms

Generally, as we have said, fungi frequently affect the feet and nails at the same time. Next, we will share with you some natural remedies to which the necessary properties are attributed to help alleviate the symptoms of fungi. It is worth noting that not all of them have scientific endorsement.

If you suffer from toenail or toenail fungus, don’t hesitate to see a professional. No one better than your doctor will be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment to combat the condition.

White vinegar

This ingredient is one of the most famous. It is believed that due to the proven antifungal properties of vinegar, it could help alleviate the symptoms caused by the presence of fungi.

Although some research suggests that vinegar could be used as a complement to the treatment of athlete’s foot, you should keep in mind that it is necessary to consult a doctor since there is no 100% conclusive data on its effectiveness. Usually, vinegar is used mixed with equal parts water, thus preparing a mixture to soak the feet.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil can help to noticeably reduce foot fungus.

Tea tree oil may help reduce the presence of foot fungus, according to research published in Mycopathologia. To take advantage of its properties, it would only be enough to apply a few drops to the feet every day or mix tea tree oil in water and soak the feet for 10 minutes. However, more studies would be necessary to verify its effectiveness.


Garlic would be a food with antiseptic, antibiotic and disinfectant properties, which are supposed to fight fungus on the feet and nails. In fact, these possible effects are due to allicin, a compound in garlic that would react against different enzymes, affecting fungi.

It is usually recommended to crush a little garlic and place the paste on the area affected by the fungus. It would be wrapped in a bandage and allowed to act overnight. Another option would be to apply garlic oil to the affected area several times a day.


Lemons would be another food with antiseptic and disinfectant properties, according to experts. Popular folklore suggests passing a lemon over the affected area, leaving it to act for 10 minutes, and then rinsing the area with a little water.

In any case, at the slightest symptom of foot fungus, it is recommended that you go to the doctor. It is necessary for this professional to assess the situation in which you find yourself and send the treatment that he considers most appropriate.

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