Potatoes Au Gratin

Potatoes are an ideal complement to almost any meal. However, in some cases they can also constitute a single dish. Today we will discover how to make gratin potatoes. Have you never heard of them? Well today you will know how to make this delicious dish.

Potatoes have a nutritional value that makes them essential for any type of diet, as this study points out. However, gratin potatoes give a different touch, since surely we only know their variants cooked, fried or accompanied by a sauce.

Let’s see up to four options for making gratin potatoes. We recommend that you try them all. Which recipe will become your favorite?

1. Potatoes au gratin with cheese

Potatoes au gratin with cheese


  • 750 g of buttery potatoes.
  • 200 ml of cream (it can be for cooking, but the one for desserts is thicker and better).
  • 175 g of grated Gruyère cheese.
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • Butter.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.


  • Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into thin slices (as if you were going to make a potato omelette).
  • To soften the potatoes, once cut, place them in a saucepan with water to cover them and leave them for 5 minutes. Drain the potatoes and reserve.
  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Peel and cut a clove of garlic in half. Rub the sides and bottom of a baking dish with garlic.
  • Spread the walls of said container with butter.
  • Put the potatoes in a large bowl together with the cream, the nutmeg, a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Mix well so that the potatoes take on the flavor and pour the contents into the ovenproof container.
  • Sprinkle the grated Gruyère cheese on top and add a few pieces of butter.
  • Bake for 60 minutes at 180ºC. Before serving the gratin potatoes, let it rest for about 2 minutes.

2. Potatoes au gratin with Emmental cheese

Potatoes with cheese


  • 1 clove garlic.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • 100 g of grated Emmental cheese.
  • 100 ml heavy cream.
  • Grated nutmeg
  • 500 g of potatoes.
  • 500 ml of milk.


  • Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into thin slices.
  • Put them in a saucepan with the milk and season with nutmeg, pepper and salt.
  • Boil the potatoes over medium heat until they are tender, but with consistency. Strain the potatoes and reserve the milk.
  • Grease a baking dish and layer potatoes on it.
  • Heat the leftover milk from cooking the potatoes with the cream and minced garlic. Let it boil for a few minutes, season to taste and pour over the potatoes.
  • Spread the cheese on top.
  • Bake about 40 minutes or until the potatoes are tender on the inside and golden on the outside.

3. Potatoes au gratin with fine herbs

Potatoes au gratin with fine herbs

Ingredients for 4 people)

  • 4 potatoes.
  • 1 package of cream.
  • Grated cheese.
  • Fine herbs.
  • Salt.


  • Preheat the oven to 170ºC.
  • Wash the potatoes well with the skin.
  • Cut them in half and then into slices without separating them.
  • Place them on a baking sheet.
  • Season them, sprinkle the fine herbs and cover them with the cream.
  • Pour the grated cheese on top.
  • Bake at 170ºC for approximately 25 minutes.

4. Bacon-stuffed gratin potatoes

Potatoes au gratin with bacon


  • 4 large potatoes.
  • 1 onion.
  • 150 g of smoked bacon.
  • Olive oil.
  • Parsley.
  • Cheese to melt.
  • Oregano.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  • Wash the potatoes very well without removing the skin.
  • Wrap them in transparent paper and prick them with a fork.
  • Put them in the microwave until the potatoes are fully cooked (they have to be soft). Remove the paper and reserve.
  • Chop the onion, season with salt and pepper and fry it in the olive oil.
  • Chop the bacon into cubes and add it to the onion.
  • With a small spoon, empty the potatoes and mix what is removed with the bacon and onion.
  • Fill the potatoes with the mixture.
  • Cover with cheese and sprinkle with oregano.
  • Gratin in the oven until the cheese is golden.

All these recipes for gratin potatoes are very simple to make. If you have never tried them, we encourage you to do so. It will be a new way of consuming potatoes that will give a new flavor to your meals.

Remember that these recipes can constitute a dish in themselves, although they can also work as a complement to a meal. In these cases, its quantity must be reduced.

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