Pineapple: Health Properties And Benefits Of This Tropical Fruit

Pineapple or pineapple is a tropical fruit that has a pleasant aroma and flavor. Therefore, it is enjoyed in various ways and combined with all kinds of ingredients (not just fruits). Juicy, tasty and refreshing, it contains several vitamins, minerals, fiber and digestive enzymes that make it a very healthy food.

Pineapple cultivation

The plant is not very tall, has hard, lanceolate leaves up to a meter long and only bears fruit once every three years. In addition, it produces a fruit so appreciated that it is the second most widespread crop in South America (only surpassed by the banana).

Most of it is consumed in the production area and the rest is canned in syrup for export.

For its production it favors a tropical climate. The main producing countries are Brazil, Costa Rica, China, the Philippines, India and Thailand with more than 50% of world production. The most widely cultivated pineapple species is the smooth Cayenne , originally from French Guiana.

Nutritional contribution

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, pineapple has a large amount of vitamin C, in addition to B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and E. It also contains minerals such as Potassium, Magnesium, Iodine, Copper and Manganese. It also has citric acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, and the enzyme bromelain.

It is rich in fiber and has hardly any calories. It only provides 50 calories per 100 grams, although in syrup it can increase this amount due to the amount of sugar used for its preservation.

Chopped pineapple

Healthy properties

To begin with, a 2017 study has indicated that the consumption of vitamin C would be beneficial to protect us from viruses and bacteria.  Due to the high dose of vitamin C present in pineapple, its consumption could protect us against infections, such as otitis or colds.

Pineapple juice

It has a high contribution of vitamin B1 and B6, vital for the proper functioning of muscles, heart, nervous system and immune system. The manganese that it gives us helps the connective tissues and bones, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as the absorption of calcium and regulate blood sugar.

On the other hand, the results of a 2011 investigation associated a high consumption of potassium, another of the minerals present in pineapple, with a 20% decrease in the risk of dying from cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases. However, further research is needed in this regard.

Bromelain benefits

Many beneficial properties are associated with bromelain, which is contained in pineapple in large quantities. This enzyme would help in the digestion of proteins, reducing discomfort such as heartburn, gas or inflammation. In addition, it would also help to better extract the nutrients from the food.

In different laboratory tests , bromelain has been shown to have some usefulness in fighting breast cancer cells and skin cancer. Of course, there are still many hypotheses to be tested and it is necessary to continue to deepen this in order to determine if bromelain could really help in the fight against cancer.

As you can see, including pineapple in your diet can be beneficial for your health. Of course, remember that food is not a treatment against diseases. If you suffer from any disease, you should go to your doctor to receive the recommendations that suit your needs.

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