Pear And Kiwi Smoothie Against Swelling

Did you know that there are fruits that can serve as adjuvants for swelling? Find out how to prepare them in the form of a smoothie easily and quickly in the following article.

Surely more than once you have asked yourself what you can do against swelling. This problem is not only aesthetic: the sensation it produces is annoying and, at times, painful.

Eating certain foods, digestive problems, lack of physical exercise, and even stress can take a toll on the body in a number of ways, including inflammation.

If this situation becomes constant, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor. It may be that you suffer from some type of food intolerance, or it may be another kind of disorder.

In the same way, and as long as you do not suffer from any type of related allergy, in the following article you have a simple and delicious food supplement: the pear and kiwi smoothie.

This will help you  improve intestinal transit thanks to its fiber content, as suggested by this study by Dr. Escudero Álvarez.

However, first of all, you should know what the possible causes of your swelling are.

Why does the swelling occur?

The main problem with this discomfort is that it can be due to multiple reasons. You will have to take them into account if you want to end the swelling once and for all:

  • Intolerance to certain foods that are not digested correctly. The most common are gluten and lactose. However, there are also people who may not digest well some fruits or vegetables, nuts, etc.
  • Eating too raw or with abundant flatulent foods. For example, lettuce, cabbage, onion, mushrooms, legumes, etc.
  • Eating improperly, in a hurry, talking, standing up, and without chewing food well.
  • Drinking too much water during the meal. 
  • Digestive disorders In this case, you should see a doctor to rule out problems that require treatment, such as bacteria or parasites, gastritis, constipation, etc.

Next, you will discover the benefits of each of the ingredients in the shake to relieve swelling.

Take note!

Pear benefits

Pear reduces swelling

In the same way, as suggested by this study carried out by a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota (United States),  the pear  contains diuretic properties, thanks to the dietary fiber it contains.

Thus, it is a highly recommended fruit when you want to fight against swelling in a healthy and palatable way.

Kiwi benefits

Kiwi is a very popular fruit as a remedy for constipation. This is due to its fiber content, as explained in this study carried out by a team from the Federal University of Santa María (Brazil).

It is also one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamin C. This nutrient, according to   this research from the University of Otago (New Zealand) , would strengthen the immune system, making it a food that also helps to strengthen defenses .

How do you prepare the anti-swelling shake?

Pear and kiwi smoothie for bloating

The amount of shake you want to prepare will depend on hunger, constitution and pace of life. This drink can be ingested at any time of the day.


  • 1 large ripe pear. If it is organic, its peeling will also be included.
  • 2 ripe kiwis.
  • A pinch of ground ginger.
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml).
  • To sweeten, honey or stevia.


  • You just have to beat the ingredients well until the smoothie has a homogeneous texture. Once you have it, you can liquefy it (in case there is any element left without crumble).

When should it be taken?

You can take this shake at the time of day you prefer , for example, as a complement to  breakfast. Remember that this is the most important meal of the day, so you should not be left hungry.

Consult an endocrinologist

Before carrying out any modification in the diet, it is imperative that you consult with an endocrinologist. This will give you the necessary guidelines to treat your problems (whether digestive or not), from a pharmacological level, as with changes in the eating routine or transfer to another health professional.

Follow their instructions and try to maintain healthy lifestyle habits, how to eliminate fats and ultra-processed foods, practice some daily exercise and eliminate harmful habits, such as tobacco.

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