Nutritional Information And Benefits Of Green Beans

Green beans are a healthy and recommended food to include in almost any type of diet. Thanks to its nutrients, benefits can be experienced in the medium term, as long as it is introduced in the context of a balanced diet. It is a product found within legumes, with which it shares characteristics.

According to the opinion of the experts, it is advisable to consume legumes at least once a week. Even a higher intake of this type of edible is related to a lower risk of developing certain complex pathologies, such as those of the cardiovascular type.

Nutritional value of green beans

For every 100 grams of green beans, 31 calories are obtained, so it is not a very energetic food. Regarding macronutrients, it is necessary to mention above all the 7 grams of carbohydrates and 1.8 grams of proteins for the same amount of product, being practically devoid of lipids.

We are facing a legume that stands out for its water and fiber content. This last element gives it several of its properties at the health level.

With regard to micronutrients, vitamin A (690 milligrams) and vitamin B9 (33 milligrams) stand out above the rest. Also 6 milligrams of sodium and a significant amount of 12.2 milligrams of vitamin C.

Legumes in the diet.

Benefits of including green beans in the diet

Next we will tell you the benefits of regularly including green beans in the diet, along with the position of science on the matter.

1. Less intestinal problems

Fiber consumption is associated with a lower risk of constipation, which improves intestinal transit and guarantees frequent, consistent bowel movements with little effort.

In addition, this substance has also managed to demonstrate its power in helping to prevent colon cancer. By increasing the size of the fecal bolus and being indigestible, it carries away waste products that can remain attached to the walls of the intestine, thus preventing them from causing damage to the tissue.

On the other hand, the regular intake of fiber generates an increase in the feeling of satiety, which reduces the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals. This makes it easier to plan a weight loss diet.

2. Control of the lipid profile

It is true that the influence of diet on the lipid profile is limited. However, some foods may slightly lower plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels. This could be associated with a lower cardiovascular risk.

What is clear is that fiber partially blocks the absorption of certain nutrients such as fats and dietary cholesterol, as stated in a study published in Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej. In this way, the synthesis of these elements is stimulated endogenously, this regulation being very effective.

It also has a similar effect when it comes to modulating the absorption of carbohydrates, since it delays their entry into the bloodstream. This can be an effective strategy for managing diabetes.

3. Improved immune system

As we have highlighted, green beans have a significant concentration of vitamin C inside. This nutrient has the ability to improve the functioning of the immune system, according to current scientific evidence.

Ensuring 1 gram of the substance per day is claimed to help prevent the development of certain infectious diseases, such as common colds. On the other hand, the time of presence of symptoms is reduced once the pathology appeared.

Canned green beans.

How can they be prepared?

Cooking green beans is pretty straightforward. It requires a cooking process to allow its consumption. Keep in mind that the slower the cooking, the better the final result.

The best thing is to put them in a pot with a sauce of vegetables and add water later, thus raising the temperature of the liquid to boiling. It is necessary to allow them to cook for almost an hour so that they are soft and meaty.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that most of the green bean varieties require a previous soak of at least 24 hours.

However, it is also possible to find canned green beans, already cooked. This increases the possibilities of use and allows making salads with this ingredient, bean paste and even sauteed with other foods of animal origin.

Therefore, you can experiment until you find your favorite way to cook this legume.

Green beans: a recommended food

As explained, green beans are recommended for health when introduced in the context of a balanced diet. It has essential nutrients for the body and has significant concentrations of fiber inside.

It also stands out for its versatility at the culinary level, which will allow you to experiment and prepare different dishes with legumes as the protagonist. Spoon pots are the most classic option, but salads and stir-fries will surely surprise you.

Try to buy this food already cooked, canned, as its nutritional properties remain intact and its inclusion in culinary preparations is facilitated.

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