Natural Alternatives To Antacids

Clay, potato, lemon juice, grape, and lettuce have antacid effects that help treat diseases such as gastritis. Combined with a proper diet they can act as gastric protectors.

Heartburn sufferers know how annoying and painful it is. Many are in the habit of taking pharmacy antacids or baking soda. However, in the long run, they can be harmful to our health, since they alter the natural acids in our stomach, causing even more heartburn. Discover natural alternatives to synthetic antacids.

These natural alternatives to antacids act as natural alkalizing remedies. That is, without altering the balance of our digestive system.

Natural alternatives to antacids

Clay water

Clay has numerous health properties and is also widely used in cosmetics. Its use and consumption helps to provide minerals to our body and to extract toxins that in the long run are the cause of diseases.

In this case it is also presented as one of the best known natural antacids. We must buy it in dietetics or herbalists specifying that it is for our consumption, since those that are used externally could be toxic if we consume them.

To take it, we will put a teaspoon of powdered clay in half a glass of water, using a wooden or porcelain spoon, never metal. We will mix well, let it rest for ten minutes, we will mix again and we will be able to drink it. We can take it one to three times a day or following the directions of the product.

Potato juice

Breville USA potato juice

Raw potato juice is an excellent alkalizer. Its flavor and texture may surprise us, but if we taste it quickly we will notice its benefits.

Formerly it was recommended to carry out a novena (nine days) taking the preparation of the juice of a quarter of a large raw potato well washed (approximately a quarter or a third of a glass) and peeled mixed with two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. This anti-inflammatory and alkalizing preparation is very effective and we can notice improvement in just nine days.

We can make raw potato juice ourselves, washing and peeling the potato well and making sure it is a potato without sprouts, or we can buy it in dietetics or herbalists.

Lemon juice

Despite being an acidic fruit, when the lemon reaches our stomach it has the property of neutralizing excessive acids, so we recommend regularly drinking lemon juice mixed with meals, added to infusions or simply with a little water. If we find it too strong we can sweeten it with a little stevia and even prepare a delicious and alkalizing lemonade.

Natural grape juice

grape juice DailyM

The grape is a fruit with many properties, especially for its high antioxidant power. And in addition to its delicious flavor, it is also very alkaline, so if we have a blender we can prepare fresh grape juices, also including the seed, which has many of the benefits of the fruit. It is important that it be fresh juice, since bottled juice is not so alkaline, and it is even acidifying if sugar has been added.

Lettuce infusion

We may be very surprised to hear “lettuce infusion”. But the truth is that it is not only very alkalizing but also has very relaxing effects. Therefore, we recommend it especially when we must treat cases of heartburn in which a state of anxiety or stress may occur. We can take one to three cups a day.

trinity lettuce

Alkaline broth

Many greens and vegetables are highly alkalizing, so they should not be missing from our diet. In times of acidity crisis we can prepare broths that we will drink throughout the day until it subsides. These broths can include the following greens and vegetables:

  • Baby spinach
  • Celery
  • Turnip
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage

Natural alternatives to antacids: conclusions

With these remedies you already have natural alternatives to synthetic antacids. If you bet on the value of the natural, this is your thing. However, we recommend that you always go to the doctor and listen to his professional opinion, especially if your pathology worsens.

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