My Circle Of Friends, My Social And Emotional Support

How many friends do you have today? Do you take care of your circle of friends? First of all, we must be clear that true friendships, the most sincere and lasting, are limited exclusively to about two or three people.

These enriching relationships are so important throughout our lives that, even despite the distance, it seems that time has not elapsed in the reunions.

We are sure that you also have that circle of friends who offer you so much support in your day-to-day life but who, perhaps, you don’t know how much they benefit you.

Today, in this article, we want to talk to you about this very positive aspect in people’s lives, we will tell you what benefits it brings you and we will also help you identify authentic friendships.

The support of our circle of friends in our day to day

Trusted friends

It doesn’t matter if you only have one friend or if, on the contrary, you have a wide circle of friends. The benefits they bring you go, sometimes, beyond what a family member or even what your partner can give you.

  • With your friends you establish a very special kind of complicity that you do not find in other people.
  • Sometimes after a day full of worry and anxiety, there is nothing more cathartic and liberating than a long conversation with them. We relax tensions and many of these everyday problems are relativized.
  • We receive new ideas, new points of view to those situations that, at times, we see as “tunnels” in which we cannot find the exit.
  • Having a circle of friends forces us to socialize, to leave the house, to socialize… All of this offers us new learning opportunities and also makes us go beyond “our comfort zone”.
  • Doctors tell us that a good social network allows us to maintain good brain health over time. When we get older, we continue to be very active and maintain the same interest in life, to go out, to laugh, to experience everyday life through positive emotions.
  • There is nothing like a good circle of friends to deal with a depression. They are our support, our motivation, that selfless help that we value so much.

How to identify “good friends”?

This is undoubtedly the key question. Throughout our lives we establish multiple relationships that, for one reason or another, we end up breaking.

Sometimes, for work reasons, because we move to other places, due to disagreements or because we simply come to the conclusion that there are people that it is better not to have in our lives.

Angry friends

Now, there are others that do deserve to be part of our personal circle, the most intimate and closest. We explain to you which dimensions describe true friendships:

  • In our circle of friends we will include those people who, in some way, help us to be better. That make life easier for us, that guide, respect and understand us.
  • Good friends do not ask for anything in return, they do not establish blackmail of the type “with everything I do for you, you thank me that way.” They are not toxic people nor do they establish a friendship out of sheer selfishness, expecting something in return.
  • In a sincere friendship, time does not matter. It may have been two years since you last saw that friend, and yet when you meet up with her it is as if no time has passed.
  • An authentic friendship is one in which you know that you will be heard and understood. You can reveal your thoughts, your secrets, your needs and you know perfectly well that they will not betray you at any time.
  • Your circle of friends knows you and knows what your strengths and weaknesses are, they respect you for who you are and appreciate you for it. They will never try to change your personality, or put you down. When you are with them you feel good and, above all, you feel yourself.


    In conclusion, having a friend is more than having a treasure. It is having a confidant, a partner, someone to laugh with and to watch while spending time next to a coffee, without further obligations.

    With our circle of friends we can share silences, sorrows and joys. They are that pill for happiness that we all should have.

    Choose your friends well and enjoy a life with more quality. An essential social support that will improve your physical and emotional health.

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