Meat Fondue, A Meal To Share

The meat fondue is a meal that can be prepared both for special events and to enjoy a special lunch or dinner in company. The important thing is to prepare it with meats with first quality cuts; in other words, very tender and very clean meats so that, when fried, the pieces are very well done.

When a meat fondue is prepared, it is usually served with sauces with spicy and sweet and sour flavors. However, other types can be included to further vary the food. In this sense, we set the rules ourselves.

Now all sauces are served cold. When frying, the pieces of meat are very hot. If they are spread with a hot sauce, the diner will not be able to eat at the moment.

The meat fondue, step by step

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 1 kilo of beef.
  • 1 kilo of pork tenderloin.
  • Olive oil (the necessary amount).
  • Optional: white meat (turkey breast, chicken breast).
  • Seasonings: salt, black pepper, oregano, bay leaf, basil.


  1. The meat is washed and dried. We salt and pepper and take to the refrigerator to rest.
  2. Before frying, the meat should rest at room temperature for at least thirty minutes.
  3. All the meat is minced into small cubes and placed on separate plates (one for veal, one for pork, etc.).
  4. Next we proceed to heat the oil inside the container for the fondue. In general, the temperature should be 190ºC although each fondue has its own instructions. It is important to follow them so that the meat is well done.
  5. Once the oil is very hot, each guest can introduce their piece of meat to cook (at the end of their preference).
  6. When the done meat is extracted, it is dipped in a sauce before being put in the mouth and voila!

Some recommendations for meat

Food and meat.

First of all, it is recommended to prepare a kilo of meat. It is estimated that the ration per person should be approximately 200 to 250 grams. In this way, there will be no shortage of meat for anyone. Of course, if the number of diners is greater, the quantities of the ingredients will have to be increased proportionally.

Second, it should be noted that one of the most traditional recipes for meat fondue includes red wine with spices and sugar. However, this preparation is usually reserved for the coldest months of the year in countries that have four seasons.

Third, it should be noted that we can prepare the meat the day before and leave it to marinate for about 8 or 12 hours with the marinade of our choice and a cup of red vinegar for every 200 grams of meat. The purpose of this is to make the vinegar tenderize the meat even more. This allows it not to lose its juice easily when cooking.

Be careful when frying white meats (such as chicken and turkey) as they are too soft and therefore tend to slip off the fork. On the other hand, given that they are usually done in a very short time, they must be monitored so that we do not spend the cooking time.

Other considerations

Another tip has to do with how to heat the olive oil. It is recommended to add two cloves of garlic to the casserole (without peeling) so that the oil does not jump when the temperature rises. On the other hand, if we want to flavor the oil a little, we can add a fresh branch of rosemary.

The meat fondue usually includes at least four types of hot sauces and another three or four of different flavor. Among the most popular are: tabasco, mustard sauce, curry sauce, aioli, chutney, Caesar, barbecue, tonkatsu, Andalusian sauce, yogurt or almond sauce.
Whenever we are going to prepare a meat fondue, we must bear in mind that there must be variety for all diners. Remember that many people are not fond of intense spicy flavors. Therefore, it is advisable to have sauces that are not excessively spicy.

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