Lose Weight By Consuming Less Flour?

Nowadays, many foods that contain flour are usually consumed, such as bread, pastries or pasta, since they facilitate the preparation of fast food.

A balanced diet is based on consuming the necessary amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in proportion. Among carbohydrates we find fruits and vegetables, and starches and cereals.

Flour is the fine powder that can be obtained from ground cereal, as well as other starchy foods. The problem is that cereals  are currently abused , specifically their flours. And, on the contrary, foods such as fruit or vegetables are left out.

Flour-free diet

Why flour promotes weight gain

In reality, the body needs to eat cereals, since they provide energy for a long period of time, especially if they are whole. The problem appears when they are taken in excess or at night, since that energy is no longer going to be used and, therefore, it is going to accumulate in the form of fat deposits.

Also, the hormonal response is different depending on whether you eat a whole food or a processed one. This impacts how much of each food is eaten. The human body does not benefit from fast-absorbing foods because it takes in more calories than it needs.

Flour is generally a processed food. It has been transformed from a whole grain to a refined flour.

It is worth mentioning that refined foods usually do not have components such as fiber, which generate satiety. And, in addition, they include others that increase palatability, such as sugars or fats, which cause the person to eat more even though it is not necessary.

Gluten intolerance

Most of the flours come from cereals with gluten, such as wheat, oats, rye or spelled. Nowadays, in addition, there are many people who suffer a certain degree of intolerance to gluten, which is not the same as a gluten allergy or celiac disease.

Gluten intolerance

A celiac person immediately suffers the allergic reaction. On the other hand, those who have intolerance do not suffer the symptoms at the moment, but over time they can develop health problems derived from this ingredient. 

In this case, the food is not digested or assimilated correctly, which can cause, among other problems, weight imbalances. People who are intolerant, by eliminating gluten from their diets, can see great improvement quickly and effectively.

Other symptoms of gluten intolerance can include:

  • Recurrent constipation or diarrhea, as well as poor digestion.
  • Dermatological problems, such as hyperkeratosis pilaris.
  • Menstrual disorders or infertility.
  • Obesity or lack of weight.

In the case of suffering from these symptoms,  you should consult a doctor. This will be able to make a proper diagnosis through certain tests and provide a solution to the problem.

Ideas to reduce flours

There are kitchen utensils that allow you to make spaghetti using vegetables, such as zucchini. In this way, the vegetables are shaped like spaghetti.

With this utensil we can turn what would be a vegetable dish into a ‘pasta dish’, seasoning it with tomato sauce, cheese –in a minimal amount if we really want to lose weight– and oregano.

In the field of confectionery there are also alternatives to flour. Legume flour –with less carbohydrates than wheat flour and more fiber, which is satiating– or cooked and ground legumes can be very useful when making cakes or different desserts.

Bread is considered one of the foods that is most difficult to replace, since it represents the basis of food in many cultures. However, it is possible to reduce the amount, as well as to check the nutritional information to know what proportion of carbohydrates – the less, the better – has one type of bread or another. The sausage that accompanies it must be light – like turkey – and not greasy.

Although popular culture tends to say that chia, flax or sunflower seeds help you lose weight, the truth is that the proportion of carbohydrates in a bread made from these is similar to ‘normal’ bread.

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