Learn To Grow Aloe Vera At Home

We all know the great benefits of aloe vera. This medicinal plant with enormous properties is very easy to grow. So much so that it is definitely worth having it at home. It needs little care, little water and, in addition, it is enough to have it inside.

So would you like to know how to grow your aloe plant? Find out with us.

Why is it good to have an aloe vera plant at home?

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Popular voices say that there is not a day when one more new property of aloe vera is discovered. It’s marvelous. A natural resource within our reach that we should take into account. This plant can be the solution to many of those conditions and everyday problems.

Do you know its most relevant properties?

  • It has multiple vitamins and minerals. From group B, tannins, oils, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic), to numerous amino acids.
  • Aloe vera also has the ability to regenerate skin cells, very suitable in case of burns, for example.
  • It is very digestive and treats constipation problems.
  • In addition to treating skin problems, it is also ideal for regenerating internal tissues.
  • It is a good anti-inflammatory.

Learn how to grow your own aloe vera plant at home

What I need?

  • A large terracotta pot.
  • Half of normal garden soil and the other half of peat.
  • Gravel that we will put at the bottom of the pot, and that will serve as a drainage system.
  • The cutting of the aloe that we want to grow.

Aloe vera

What type of aloe vera can I choose?

You should know that there are more than 200 types of aloe vera plants. Which one to choose then? Take note of the best:

  • Aloe arborescens: it is considered a cousin of aloe vera and is shaped like an “octopus”. It usually grows very fast and it does, of course, in the form of a bush, and can reach up to 4 meters. As for its properties, tell you that it has many, such as treating burns, skin problems and accelerating healing.
  • Aloe saponaria: it  has very wide, very fleshy leaves, 15 to 20 cm long, with spiny edges. It also treats skin problems, it is good for constipation, inflammations … It is magnificent and very beautiful. Although yes, it does not get very big.
  • Aloe aristata: its central rosette usually has a diameter of 15 to 30 cm, with very fleshy leaves. In addition to treating the same as the previous plants, it is ideal for curing wasp or other insect bites. Very medicinal and one of the favorites to have at home.

aloe vera

How do I grow it?

  • We will start by putting the gravel at the bottom, which will serve as a drain so that the aloe vera does not rot.
  • We put half of soil and the other half of enriched peat. Never put sand on the beach because excess salts do not do well for this plant.
  • Put the aloe vera plant you have chosen in the center and cover it to the beginning of the leaves.
  • Aloe tends to take out large roots, that is, it grips tightly. Ideally, once you’ve planted it, don’t water it for two weeks. The roots will grow while and, after this time, is when we will give it water.

How do I take care of it?

  • Aloe vera is a plant that needs a lot of sun,  so you can put it in a bright corner of the house or on your balcony.
  • It needs very little water, so if you water it every two weeks it will do just fine.
  • Aloe does not do well in the cold, so in winter we must protect it.
  • It usually grows fast and by the time you notice it will have smaller plants growing around it. They are their young, which we can start to plant in other pots, once they are four fingers high.

    Aloe Vera Slices, stacked

    As you can see, it is very easy to grow aloe vera at home, it grows fast and does not need excessive care. When you see its leaves large and fleshy enough, it will be useful for our home remedies. It also reproduces very well, which means that from time to time you have new cuttings around it.

    It is good to remove them so that the central plant grows, and, in turn, you can create new plants. It is very pleasant to grow and its benefits are excellent.

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