Know Your Skin Type

Each person’s skin type is determined by genetics. Knowing your skin type is necessary to choose the appropriate treatment that your skin needs  and thus improve its appearance and delay the aging process.

In general terms, five basic types of skin can be distinguished: normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive. Each of them has particular characteristics, which require specific treatment.

In addition, in case of presenting any type of problem, such as acne or eczema, it is necessary for the dermatologist to recommend the most appropriate treatment in each case.

Know what your skin type is

Normal skin

The facial skin does not reveal any type of problem; It is an elastic and flexible skin  that appears soft and smooth, with good circulation and a healthy appearance.

To keep the skin beautiful, it is necessary to find a suitable ritual for skin care, such as cleansing, toning and hydration in the morning and at night. Also use a sunscreen. They are cares that will help keep the skin in good condition.

Face massage of a girl

Dry Skin

Dry skin  can easily develop wrinkles and open pores. In addition, it is very prone to irritation and premature aging; skin feels flaky and tight. Therefore, in order for dry skin to stay young, careful and regular skin care is necessary.

Also, use natural moisturizers, like coconut oil or shea butter.  Use skin cleansers that do not contain alcohol. Finally, include gentle exfoliants in your daily routine and eat a proper and balanced diet so that your skin stays nourished.

Oily skin

Oily skin is prone to the appearance of fat in the T-zone and in the cheek area ; It is thick and shiny skin, prone to large pores, blackheads and acne.

Aging is slower than in other skin types. Although it is not a skin prone to wrinkles, it is important to carry out a careful cleaning daily to improve the appearance of the skin.

Also, it is important to keep your skin clean to avoid clogging your pores. Also avoid harsh products that encourage flaking; use products that dissolve oil and keep skin shine-free.

Mask for every skin type

Read also: Rosemary soap for oily skin

Mixed skin

Combination skin has a mixture of two types of skin: oily and dry, in certain areas of the face. The nose and forehead are oily, while the area around the eyes and cheeks is dry.

Clean oily areas thoroughly and frequently to remove excess oil. Instead, dry areas should be treated with moisturizers that contain natural ingredients.

Sensitive skin

Finally, sensitive skin, in addition to feeling tight and sometimes inflamed, is easily irritated and is usually dry.  This type of skin usually develops reddish and scaly areas that can be itchy, with a tendency to breakage.

It is a very fragile and problematic type of skin that needs special attention and care. Therefore, it is recommended to go to a dermatologist to recommend the most appropriate treatment. It is important to carry out a personalized study of the skin, natural products are required, free of alcohols and perfumes.

Have you identified your skin type? As you have just noticed, each type of skin has certain characteristics that must be taken into account when providing care or treatments.

Ignoring this detail can be counterproductive, as pH and hydration can be affected. Keep that in mind from now on to ensure a good beauty routine.

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