Is There An Ideal Partner?

We want to have an ideal partner like in stories and movies … Although that can lead to frustration and loneliness. Is there or is there not a perfect match?

In movies and stories they show us stories that end with a happy ending. Without a doubt we believe that we also deserve a perfect couple like the one of the protagonists. However, idealization can often be a reason for dissatisfaction in a relationship. So is there truly an ideal partner?

Ideal partner: expectation vs. reality

We have been taught that we must find our soul mate or better half and that has conditioned us since we were little. And if we add to this the romantic movies, novels and some classics of literature, it is understandable that we look for that ideal partner  who will make our lives happier.

Although it is true that there are people more in line with our tastes or goals, it is also true that no one is perfect or ideal. In addition, everything depends on each one: what may be desirable for some, is not so for others.


When we meet a person we like, it is normal to idealize them; Believe that it has everything we crave and hope for. However, once the infatuation stage is passed and we put our feet on the ground, we realize that it has some flaws. However, this happens with all mortals.

The concept of the ideal partner  is more than controversial. We do not know who or who have set the minimum and basic standards that someone should have to become perfect. It is often said that if a man is “loving, attentive, gentleman, kind and caring” we should not let him go.

But not all women like those characteristics. They can even look for someone with other different virtues. The same thing happens in reverse. Certain things are expected of women to be “perfect” in the eyes of men. But that’s only cultural because… who is perfect?

Is there an ideal partner for each one?

There is no doubt that we all want to have an ideal partner next to us, but now: ideal for whom? It is supposed to be for oneself, because ultimately we will be the ones who will share time with that person and enjoy the relationship.


When we meet that “perfect” someone and pass the stage where everything is beautiful, we have to ask ourselves if we are happy. If the couple is the right one, then we will feel comfortable and safe, we will not have fear or anguish …

On the contrary, when we have not yet found the ideal partner, it is common for us to exalt their defects. We also do our best not to spend time with him, feeling uncomfortable in his presence.

Leaving aside the term “ideal” and referring better as “correct”, a couple must have similar characteristics. They do not have to be identical to us, but they do have to complement us and make us feel good.

In search of the better half

It is very important to stop thinking about the ideal partner, whether we are in a relationship or we are looking for it. Since that perfection does not really exist and wanting to find it “no matter how” can lead to loneliness or dissatisfaction.

In the event that you are alone and you want to find that special person, you should bear in mind that there are no characters in fairy tales or romantic movies. These may have something in common because writers rely on human characteristics to create them, but they are unlikely to exist in real life.

Don’t waste time trying to find someone to “fill in all the boxes” on a list you’ve created on attributes or requirements. It is not about a job interview, but about a person who will accompany you in this life.

If you are already in a relationship, the advice is the same: do not try to make that person next to you perfect. Nobody is. And until you realize it, you suffer.

The important thing then is to choose someone who makes us feel good and whose strengths and weaknesses complement us. The key does not lie in finding the ideal partner, but in being happy with whoever you are next to.


Get the ideal partner

How is it achieved? Through communication. Indicate what we like and what bothers us, speak openly about our desires, chat about the future … Leaving aside the routine is also essential if we want to enjoy a perfect relationship.

And best of all, prince charming like the one in the stories can be customized. It is essential for this to have a clear idea of ​​what we want, what we like and what makes us happy. Of course, there is no single recipe, it all depends on what we want and what our tastes are.

Although you have been told since you were little, the ideal partner as a concept does not exist. But yes, we can find someone perfect for us. And that does not mean that there are no fights, conflicts or misunderstandings! Even so, do not be discouraged, when you find your perfect match it will have been worth it.

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