Is It Good To Consume Canola Oil?

It is important that the canola or rapeseed oil that we consume is of organic origin and has not been genetically manipulated.

Canola oil is a plant-based product that offers good fats for the human body. Like any other food, it meets a series of requirements and has a series of contraindications that we will analyze later.

Canola oil, one of the most recommended

According to multiple investigations, canola oil is, along with olive oil, one of the healthiest and most recommended that exist. Before consuming it, yes, we must make sure that we do not have any type of allergy related to rapeseed.

Canola oil

This oil has healthy fats, that is, with those that do not harm, but on the contrary, they help absorb vitamins A, D, E and K from the food we eat. It is good then, to use canola oil to flavor salads, to prepare dishes and as an alternative to other products.

Cooked vegetables

Canola oil characteristics

Also known in some countries as “rapeseed oil”.  It is traditional in Germany, and contains vitamin E, as well as erucic, linoleic and linolenic acids. In its composition, we can also find omega 3 and 6 acids.

According to various studies, canola oil works as an anti-inflammatory element (unlike corn) and could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, although there is still no conclusive evidence in this regard.

It is worth noting that in some places transgenic canola is harvested. However, it is preferable to acquire the oil and other derivatives from organic gardens or natural productions, to avoid the consumption of a genetically manipulated ingredient.

Properties of canola oil

Bottles with oil

Although still under investigation, it is believed that canola oil could help:

  • Lower bad or LDL cholesterol levels
  • Regulate heart rate
  • Prevent the formation of blood clots
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems
  • Control blood glucose levels for type II diabetics
  • Prevent diseases such as arterioschlorosis or thrombosis
  • Reduce the production of free radicals that affect cells
  • Decrease the production of gallstones.

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