Include Pear Juice In Your Breakfast And Take Care Of Your Health

The pear is like few others a fruit that suits our body and is healthy for anyone.

With a smooth and fresh flavor, it is an ideal option to start the day with energy and in the best possible way.

We always emphasize the need for your breakfasts to be complete; that  never lacks fiber, some protein, vitamins and antioxidants that give us fruits.

According to the United States Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a pear provides 24% of the nutrients the body needs in a day.

So, what if we include a delicious pear juice in that first meal of the day from today?

For whom is it advisable to have a pear every day?

There are many varieties of pear and they are all just as beneficial.

The good thing about this fruit is that we can enjoy it in any season and we find it in the markets of almost every country in the world.

It is economical and offers us many possibilities when cooking it.

However, we recommend that you always avoid mixing it with sugar, because that way, we lose many of its original nutrients.

Take note now of those who should consume a pear a day to take care of their health:

  • People with cardiovascular diseases.
  • If you have hypertension, it will help you balance it.
  • Do you have a little raised “bad” LDL cholesterol ? Do not hesitate, take a pear a day to help regulate your cholesterol level.
  • For people with anemia.
  • If you suffer from constipation, you should take it with the skin. Pectin will help you regulate your intestinal transit.
  • If you have a delicate stomach, ulcers or gastritis, the pear will be your best help.
  • It is very healthy for children and adolescents. It helps them grow healthy!
    • Do you suffer from fluid retention ? Have a pear juice for your breakfast!
    • If there is someone in the house who suffers from diarrhea, prepare a pear juice without skin.
    • It can help us in case we suffer from thyroid problems and goiter.
    • It is suitable for people with diabetes.
    • It can help us  lose weight.
    • It is one of the fruits that usually causes less allergies. Our body loves it!

    The incredible properties that a pear juice will give you in the morning

    Pear juice

    Nutritionists recommend that we consume five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day. But always remember that in a healthy diet the secret is that it is “varied”.

    Take note now of how this rich and refreshing morning pear juice can help you:

    1. A drink full of energy that will not make us gain weight

    If you suffer from constipation, we recommend making the smoothie with skin. If your intestinal transit is well regulated, you don’t need to include it.

    • This natural juice is rich in energy and does not give us any fat. If you do sports, it  can give you very adequate energy for almost two hours.
    • The pear offers you a large amount of vitamin C, folic acid and a good dose of vitamin B complex and vitamin E.
    • Nor can we forget that its levulose content makes, according to the book The Table of Foods for Diabetics by Doris Fritzsche, that it is very well tolerated by diabetics.

    2. The pear purifies and protects

    Pear is one of the fruits with the highest concentration of pectin, something very necessary to detoxify the body and cleanse the intestine.

    It is highly recommended, according to an article in FMC magazine, in irritable bowel syndrome diets.

    Pear juice is also very suitable to reduce cholesterol and balance our tension. Of course, you should always try in these cases to remove the skin.

    3. Pear juice is perfect for children and the elderly


    Its fresh flavor and how easy it is to drink  make this juice a more than perfect trick for children and the elderly to start the day with health and energy.

    It is a fruit that is very rich in iron and calcium that helps children grow and offers resistance to the elderly, while we will also help them digest the rest of breakfast much better.

    4. Pear juice is a good alkaline for our body

    Did you know this information? That’s how it is. Thanks to its multiple organic acids we notice that slightly acid taste.

    When this acid reaches our stomach it acquires an alkalizing effect, very suitable for improving digestion and improving cell balance.

    However, it must be taken in moderation since its consumption in high quantities can cause a laxative effect.

    If we drink pear juice as soon as we wake up on an empty stomach, we will enhance all these benefits. So… we start tomorrow?

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