Ice Cream That Doesn’t Melt Already Exists

The intention to prolong the effects of many products has led companies around the world to create lasting effects. This is the case of permanent makeup, chemicals to preserve nail polish for longer, cosmetics to prolong youth, etc. The reason is simple: we all want what we like to last, including ice cream. Discover here the ice cream that does not melt.

Ice cream addicts go crazy

For those people who love to prolong their pleasure, ice cream that does not melt has come from the East. No matter the ambient temperature or exposure to sunlight, non-melting ice cream maintains its shape and flavor. And, even more surprising, it stays cold inside.

After coming out of the freezer, conventional ice creams begin to drip and lose their shape. In summer it is common to see stained clothes and fingers stuck by sugar. Those are common images to this day.

Where did an ice cream that does not melt come from?

Where did a non-melting ice cream come from?

This wonderful invention originates in Japan thanks to the mistake of a cook. While trying to make use of the strawberries that were grown during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, chance came up. These fruits would probably be discarded because they did not have normal growth.

After experimenting with various formulas, the Japanese chef managed to prepare a pastry cream that solidified the strawberries. A group of students from the University of Kanazawa Biotherapeutic Development Research Center learned of this finding. From there they decided to follow up on the chef’s experiments and start an investigation.

One of the principles of Kanazawa University is to be open to the local community. Thanks to that perspective and the focus on innovation, interest in this unconventional topic arose.

Why doesn’t it melt?

Why doesn't it melt

Tomihisa Ota, research scientist, professor of pharmacy in charge of the research carried out explains it. He assures that the finding thanks to which the ice cream that does not melt was created is polyphenol. It is a liquid substance extracted from strawberries.

Polyphenol makes it more difficult to separate the water and fat that make up ice cream. Therefore, it retains its shape for a much longer time than usual, even when exposed to the sun.

Polyphenol is a natural substance, without chemical additives. It is the reason why the product has gone on sale without the need to go through health controls. This could also facilitate its commercialization in the rest of the world. At the moment it is only for sale in Japan.

Where to get ice cream that does not melt?

Where to get ice cream that won't melt

The product has been baptized with the name “Kanazawa Ice” . It is marketed by the company Biotherapy Development Research Center , in a store with the same name as the ice cream, located in the Higashi-Chaya District. It has an approximate cost of 500 yen, which is equivalent to 4.5 dollars.

This tourist sector of the city has a traditional Japanese style that is highly attractive to its visitors. There is still the possibility of seeing geishas naturally walking down the street. In the gastronomic offer there are traditional Japanese dishes and products, as well as special places to have coffee. Now, with the arrival of ice cream that does not melt, more and more visitors will be attracted by the curiosity and fascination of trying something that seemed impossible. Can it be a homemade ice cream?

A complete success

The ice cream that does not melt has made headlines both in the local media and in different digital news portals. Among the publications are the stories of the experiences of customers who put the ice cream in the sun, others who hold the urge to try it waiting a few minutes to see if it melts and others, more extreme, who bring it to a hair dryer on. Everyone agrees that it truly retains its consistency and remains cold when eaten.

In the rest of the world, especially in cities where temperatures exceed 25 degrees, they begin to wonder how long it will take to get the ice cream does not melt, how it will be, etc.

If the commercialization of ice cream is successful in other countries that sad image of the melted cone on the hot asphalt will no longer make sense. Nor will you hear the typical phrase of parents advising their children to eat the ice cream before it melts.

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