How To Take Care Of The Lymphatic System

The main purpose of the lymphatic system is to “clean” our body. According to studies, lymphocytes recognize, along with macrophages, foreign cells and microbes, which can make us feel sick or weak. And the T lymphocytes, they destroy them.

It is a structure made up of lymph nodes and vessels and organs capable of fighting infections. But sometimes it becomes weak or intoxicated, hence it is necessary to know how to take care of this indispensable system. We explain it to you!

The essential function of the lymphatic system

lymphatic system

There are many symptoms that can indicate that the lymphatic system is suffering from a problem. Therefore, it is recommended that, in the event of any abnormal symptoms in your body, you go to a specialist doctor.

It may surprise you to learn that the lymphatic system has an important relationship with the intestines, so the greatest immune activity is concentrated there, as has been shown.

That is why it is essential to take care not only of food, but also of lifestyle. Scientific evidence assures that some of the main functions of the lymphatic system are to return lost fluid and blood plasma proteins to the cardiovascular system, protect these organs from specific pathogens, and fight infections. Therefore, if the lymphatic system cannot carry out its functions, problems can appear.

Therefore, we propose some guidelines to keep the lymphatic system in good condition.

Guidelines for caring for the lymphatic system

1. Brisk walking

Walk briskly

Unlike the circulatory system, in the lymphatic system there is no specific organ that is responsible for pumping the lymphatic fluid. 

The lymphatic system uses muscle contraction to deliver lymphatic fluid throughout the body, so walking is one of the best exercises to keep this system in good condition.

2. Drink water, juices and fruit

A poor diet can cause health problems that affect various systems and organs. But a balanced diet can help us keep our bodies healthy.

Includes green leafy vegetables, artichokes, tomatoes, legumes, whole grains, seaweed, pumpkin seeds … Food packed with nutrients!

You can start the day with a glass of lemon juice with warm water, as it is popularly known to be an excellent way to detoxify the body in the early hours of the morning, although there is no scientific evidence of this.

4. Take natural infusions

Infusion to take care of the lymphatic system

  • Burdock: it is a purifying plant that, according to popular belief, purifies the blood and lymphatic system. Although there is no evidence to support its purifying power, it is popularly considered to help eliminate toxins and prevent infections, sore throat, liver and biliary diseases, cystitis, herpes, fever or diabetes, for example.
  • Nettle: Like burdock, it is a cleansing plant that is popularly believed to help detoxify the blood quickly and remove toxic substances, which benefits the liver and kidneys.
  • Aloe vera: It is a plant with multiple benefits that can have immunostimulating, antibacterial, and detoxifying properties, although there is currently no study that shows such a relationship.

    Remember that, before any symptoms you notice, it is recommended that you go to your specialist doctor, in order to assess you. A proper diet, regular physical exercise, and drinking two liters of water a day are good ways to prevent cardiovascular disease.

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