How To Make Your Own Homemade Scrub

To show off beautiful skin you don’t always have to spend a lot of money. One of the essential steps in your beauty routine is exfoliation, and with natural products you can prepare your own scrub.

We want to give you a recipe so you can prepare yours at home. It is fast, it is made with ingredients that you surely have on hand and it is very effective.

But keep in mind, if you have sensitive skin, be very careful when exfoliating. If you see that the skin is irritated, stop the treatment. Remember to apply a moisturizer afterwards. And if you have doubts, go to a specialist so they can advise you on your specific case.

Let’s start by explaining why exfoliating your skin is so important.

Why is it so important to exfoliate the skin?

Woman applying a scrub to her face

The skin is one of the most important (and largest) organs in the body. On the one hand, it protects us against external aggressions and, on the other, it helps to eliminate those toxins that the body accumulates.

These are the main reasons why it is essential to keep the skin clean and in perfect condition, and not only for a matter of beauty. In this sense, exfoliation is a recommended treatment to cleanse the skin, removing dead cells and dirt. What benefits does it bring us?

  • Prevents aging.
  • Activates circulation.
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system.
  • Prepares the skin for other beauty treatments, such as waxing.
  • Helps better absorption of moisturizing and nourishing creams.
  • Makes the skin smoother and softer.
  • It allows the skin to “breathe” better.

When and how should the skin be exfoliated?

If you are young, you should avoid exfoliants based on retinol (vitamin A) or fruit acids (called alpha-hydroxy acids) because they exert an overly active action and could damage your skin.

In the case of oily skin, it may be advisable to exfoliate the skin with some frequency, although it is never advisable to abuse this procedure.

To see if the exfoliation is excessive, look for a reddish area on the skin on the upper part of the cheek. In this case, interrupt the exfoliation. Likewise, if you think you have rubbed too hard, lower it, and if you think it is because of the products, stop using them.

One more tip: be especially careful if you have dry skin, you risk causing serious damage. Also, do not start an exfoliation if you have it burned by the sun or have some type of irritation or eczema. If you have doubts, go to a specialist, who can advise you on the best treatment for your skin.

How to make your own homemade scrub

Now that you know how important it is to keep your skin clean of dead cells and the precautions to take into account, we are going to explain how to make your own homemade scrub. It is very simple, it will only take a few minutes to have it ready.


  • A handful of oats (50 g)
  • Three tablespoons of sugar (45 g)
  • Half a lemon (if you have oily skin) or water (for normal or dry skin)


    • In a blender, first add the oats and sugar and blend them. By mixing these two ingredients you will provide a deep but gentle cleaning that will not damage our skin.
    • Now squeeze half a lemon into the mixture. Lemon is an astringent that cleanses and purifies the skin. You must mix everything well so that it is a uniform paste.

    You don’t need to prepare your own scrub just before applying it. If you want to have it almost ready, crush only the oats and sugar and add lemon or water, depending on your skin, when you are going to apply it.


    • With a clean and damp face, apply it with your hand, which should also be clean, forming outward circles. Then remove it with water.
    •  If you use your own lemon scrub, be careful to apply it at night. Use a sunscreen the next day
    • You can use a soft toothbrush to exfoliate more thoroughly.
    • After exfoliating, it is advisable to use a toner or moisturizer.

      As you can see, it is very easy to make your own scrub, so do not hesitate to incorporate it into your beauty routine. It will help you to have much cleaner and healthier skin.

      And don’t forget the precautions to take into account, especially in the case of dry skin. If you have doubts, consult a specialist.

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