How To Make Nails Grow Fast And Strong?

Before applying any treatment we must know what our nail type is. Increase the consumption of proteins in your diet so that they grow faster

For women, nails are a very important element of their aesthetics and, why not, to be fashionable.
However, many women have the same problem with their nails : they do not grow fast enough or, when they do, they are weak and break on first contact.

In the following article you will learn much more about their care so that they always look beautiful and strong. Keep reading!

Why are nails damaged?

In order to attack a problem, it is first good to know the cause of its appearance. In the case of nails, there are some habits or activities that can damage them and prevent them from growing healthy and strong. Some of the reasons why your nails may not grow as you would like are:

  • Bite them.
  • Use detergents or cleaning supplies without gloves.
  • Open bottles or caps with them.
  • A diet poor in vitamins.
  • Doing yard work without gloves.
  • Lack of hygiene.
  • Infections like fungi.
  • Do not consume minerals.


Tips to keep your nails stronger

These tips will help you to make your nails look much better. This way they can grow quickly, healthily and look beautiful at any time of the year.

1. Activate circulation

Increase the blood flow to your fingers with some activities such as typing, playing the piano, filing documents, etc. That is, everything that makes the blood flow more and, therefore, grow stronger.

In the same way, be careful because a very common mistake is pressing the keys with your nails and that is not good for them. Always do it with your fingertips.

2. Eat more protein and drink more water

Increase the amount of protein in your diet. To do this, drink smoothies or consume dairy, lean meat and, if you wish, a daily vitamin D supplement. All these ingredients can help them grow faster.

In addition, drink a lot of water and also infusions, such as tea , every day. That is very good for the nails and also for your body in general, because they hydrate.


3. Protect your nails

Try to use or handle more natural objects like wood or leather instead of plastic or fabric. You do this by buying handcrafted items, for example.

Also take the weather into account. If you cannot stay in a warm environment all day, when you go outside, are on public transport or in an unheated place, use gloves to keep your hands warm. This will increase blood flow and stimulate growth.

4. Learn to care for and treat them

  • Know what your nail type is. There are 5 different ones: normal, soft, battered, fragile and dry. Depending on the situation, you should apply a different treatment. Take a look and analyze its characteristics before you act.
  • Do not cut the cuticles because they serve to protect your nails from infection.  If you remove them very often, you will only make them thicker and harder, but your nails, each time weaker and sicker.
  • Apply a coat of nourishing polish or nail hardener once a week. If you want them to grow faster, repeat for fifteen days, once at night.
  • Get a manicure regularly. You can do it yourself, ask a friend or go to a professional. So you can enjoy various treatments.
  • Always call them in the same direction so that the tips do not weaken or break more easily. If you get “hooked” on anything, always carry a file in your purse or purse to fix it instantly and prevent it from breaking and hurting.
  • Do not abuse polishes  because they have harmful ingredients for the nails. Also, if you use them a lot they will start to look yellow and weaker. It is best to paint once a week and when the enamel is removed preferably not with acetone , allow 48 hours to pass before painting them again.


Natural medicine

  • Peel an onion and soak the nails with its juice. It is a very powerful home remedy so that they are always strong and look healthy. Let it soak as much as you can, for example, while you’re watching TV. Some choose to put them in a bag and close it overnight for faster effect.


  • In a cup of hot water, place two tablespoons of olive oil and immerse your hand, soaking for 10 minutes. Do not rinse, take the opportunity to distribute the oil through your hands, let it be absorbed and take advantage of the benefits of vitamin E.
  • Due to its biotin content, garlic is one of the most famous and powerful home remedies for nails. One of the easiest ways to apply it is to crush two teeth and place the paste on the nails for 10 minutes. Apply it for a week and every day. Another option is to rub the garlic or also mince it well and place it inside the nail polish.

    Beyond changing your daily habits, feel free to try any of the above natural remedies. With them you can get your nails to grow faster and, in turn, to be stronger and healthier.

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