How To Maintain The Balance Between Your Relationship And Your Life?

How do you feel about your relationship with your partner? Do you think you both have enough personal space The truth is that maintaining the balance between one facet and another is not impossible. However, it does require considering some important aspects.

Read on and discover how both of you have the option of being happy without disrupting individual well-being.

Keys to maintaining the balance between a relationship and life itself

Trusting your partner, enjoying new experiences and making the decisions that correspond to us are some of the guidelines that can be applied in this scenario. Let’s see below how these and other keys are useful.

1. Avoid acting out of fear of abandonment

Balance in a couple so as not to argue.

One of the problems that sometimes prevents balance is the fear that the partner will abandon us. Now, focusing all your attention on that fear, wishing at any price that it does not happen, often causes one to lose oneself for the way.

  • Thus, it is necessary to analyze if we are leaving aside those activities with which we also enjoy or those other people who we like. If so, it may be necessary to think about what purpose we do it.
  • If we discover that behind this behavior is the panic of being alone, we may be faced with an opportunity to address such insecurities.
  • It is likely that if we try to take care of those other facets again, we will be surprised that the relationship continues and even improves.

2. Enjoying new experiences helps maintain balance

Another reflection also emerges from the previous key. It is about the idea that maintaining balance is feasible even when the  experiences that we live are not limited exclusively to those of the other person.

  • That the couple does not participate, for example, in the hobbies that we like or in the outings with the work colleagues does not have to imply the automatic resignation to them.
  • In fact, it is healthy to manage a certain level of independence that allows each member to enjoy their own space.
  • Those different stimuli to which we are individually exposed provide a dose of ‘fresh air’ to the relationship.
  • Then such news can be shared between the two in conversations, by inviting the other to join the plans we make or simply be a way of knowing different worlds through the partner.

3. Make the decisions that correspond to you

Sometimes conflicts have to do with the pressure that one of the members exerts on the other person when making decisions. In other words, there will be times when a joint agreement is required, but separate elections will also be frequent.

In this sense, difficulties appear when either of the two tries to assume more responsibility than it corresponds to in the particular affairs of the couple:

  • In this case it is necessary to define the issues in which we need more help and those that we want to manage autonomously.
  • If we make it clear to what extent we allow the opinions of the partner to go, we will be establishing certain limits to operate with freedom in our own determinations.
  • Although it is natural for us to seek mutual support, it is also not realistic to want to change the other and want to solve his life.

4. Trust your partner

Trust in the partner is one of the fundamental pillars to sustain the bond and maintain balance with other areas in which we operate.

However, in relationships in which one of the members has previously experienced a infidelity or you feel somewhat insecure, details such as the following are common:

  • Suspicions that the other person is cheating make you watch out for them all the time.
  • The questions about what he does, where he goes and with whom are constant.
  • In more complicated situations, arguments are even common when the couple goes out with different people on their own.

If we detect that any of these circumstances characterize the interaction with the current partner, it is important to consider the option of going to couples therapy. In this way, we will train some resources that will be useful to us to face these challenges and reinforce the security of those who distrust.


What will you do to keep your balance?

Maintaining the balance between a relationship and the respective personal space is possible to the extent that one sets certain priorities on an individual level.

The fact that there is a degree of commitment and a bond to care for does not mean that you have to sacrifice your own needs.

Will you remember these keys in the future? With which of them will you start to achieve harmony?

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