How To Eliminate Bad Breath Through Diet?

Do you suffer from bad breath? Bad breath can be caused by several reasons, one of them can be consuming certain foods. Here we show you some tricks to eliminate bad breath through diet. Put them into practice!

Bad breath or halitosis is a minor but very annoying clinical sign. In general, it is caused by the release of gases from the fermentation of bacteria. If you have felt identified, keep in mind that you are not alone, nor is it something new: halitosis affects 25% of the population.

Although there are many types and intensities of what is considered bad breath, we can also indicate that about 90% of cases are caused by the millions of bacteria that live in the oral cavity.

These bacteria, when fermenting food, can produce sulfur compounds that do not have the best of smells (to give you an idea, the rotten egg generates sulfur compounds).

Main causes of bad breath

Woman with bad breath

Dental plaque

The mouth is one of the places in the body with the highest number and variability of microbes. As for the bad smell, dental plaque is related to the bacterial putefraction of a cocktail that includes food, blood, cells and saliva.

When the microbial balance is lost, dental plaque can produce enough sulfuric compounds, diamines or short-chain fatty acids that cause these symptoms.


Different types of food have been linked to bad breath:

  • Onion and garlic : they are rich in sulfur compounds that, both in the mouth and later, when absorbed and eliminated by lung gases, can produce this characteristic breath.
  • Dairy products : several bacteria that live in the mouth can ferment amino acids present in dairy products, generating residues with such suggestive names as cadaverine or putrescine.
  • Canned fish : in general, no one usually confuses the smell of rotten fish. During the shelf life, the fish continues to degrade and produce biogenic amines that are associated with certain types of bad breath.
  • Rapidly fermenting carbohydrates (FODMAP) : these are a type of carbohydrate molecules that are easily fermented by natural bacteria present in the mouth and in the intestine, favoring the development of gas, abdominal bloating, intestinal transit alterations and, therefore, of course, bad breath.

To eliminate bad breath through diet, you should avoid consuming in large quantities these foods that we have just mentioned. But be careful, it is not about eliminating them from your diet completely, but about minimizing their consumption to avoid causing halitosis.

Additionally, you should avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Tobacco and alcohol

Consuming alcoholic beverages with high frequency could increase the intensity of bad breath because ethanol is a dehydrating agent and causes the volatilization of bacterial products. Tobacco also has an influence, enhancing the effects of alcohol.

Treatment to eliminate bad breath through diet

Sometimes just reviewing your eating habits and increasing your water intake is enough to combat bad breath. However, we must not forget what is associated with hygiene and other aspects that the professional in consultation may comment on.

Hunger attacks can be regulated.

Finding out the cause of bad breath

The first thing to do before starting any treatment is to find out the main cause of bad breath. Maybe you just need to be careful with garlic and onion consumption, or keep your mouth hydrated.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol

As we have said, tobacco and alcohol can aggravate the symptoms of bad breath. If you consume them, it will be essential to avoid them to stop this problem. 

Eat a maximum of three times a day

The greater the number of daily intakes, the greater the alteration of the oral pH, the longer the bacteria are given food and the greater the risk of food debris accumulating. In addition, the snacks between meals are, in many cases, sweet and palatable for bacteria.

Perform good oral hygiene and rinses with coconut oil

According to studies, more than toothpaste, what is important is brushing. In addition, if you suffer from bad breath, when you finish brushing your teeth, we recommend that you periodically rinse with coconut oil. Coconut fat is rich in lauric acid, a substance that has shown positive effects in fighting various pathogens.

Thus, when you finish brushing your teeth, take a tablespoon of coconut oil and rinse for 5 or 10 minutes. Then you can extend the process for up to 20 minutes. Once the time is up, don’t swallow it, spit it out.

Chew certain herbs

Chewing parsley, mint, cloves, fennel and some herbs such as alfalfa, cardamom, chamomile, myrrh, rosemary and sage, also serve to eliminate bad breath through diet.

Peppermint: one of the tricks to fight bad breath.

Some useful nutritional supplements

  • Zinc : Several studies show that the consumption of zinc salts transform sulfur compounds into odorless gases.
  • Probiotics : in general, the bacteria should prevail in the mouth of healthy people is Streptococcus salivarius , on the other hand, in people with bad breath, low levels of this bacteria or even absence have been identified. That is why it is considered that oral probiotics can help eliminate bad breath through diet.

    In conclusion, if you suffer from bad breath, space your meals, moderate the fast-fermenting fiber and support yourself with coconut oil rinses. In many cases, these measures are sufficient to combat this discomfort. In case the symptoms persist, we recommend that you visit a professional.

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