How To Drink Green Tea To Obtain The Maximum Benefit

Did you know that, in addition to the infusion time, the presentation we choose of green tea also influences its benefits? Thus, we will obtain more or less depending on whether we opt for bags or loose leaves.

Drink green tea brings many health benefits. Although not all of them are scientifically proven, it is known that many of them are real.

It is known to have a large number of antioxidant properties, as well as diuretic and thermogenesis effects. . It can protect you from a wide variety of health problems, like heart conditions.

If you learn to drink green tea to take 100% of its benefits, we assure you that you will not want to remove it from your diet.

Prepare green tea according to your taste

When you prepare a cup of green tea, the flavor will depend on how you brew it. Green tea remedy

It was discovered that those who drank the most tea in their lifetime were the least likely to show signs of loss or weakening of their brain functions .

Those who drank a cup of tea four to six times a week were 38% less prone to cognitive decline.

If you plan to start drinking green tea to improve your health, it is recommended that you consult with your trusted doctor.

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