How To Avoid Mosquito Bites?

The first thing to do is avoid using lotions with sweet smells, it is recommended to use repellants that have diethyltoluamide among their active ingredients, this helps to avoid mosquito bites.

It must be remembered that these insects spread during the summer, especially in coastal areas and also in mountainous areas because they develop much better in humid and warm environments.

Recommendations to avoid mosquito bites

  1. Do not use scented soaps or hair sprays as this could attract them,
  2. It is not recommended to go outside between dusk and dawn
  3. Try not to be near garbage cans or any container that can hold or store water
  4. Do not stay in the garden for very long times, especially after five in the afternoon
  5. A very good body hygiene must be maintained
  6. Put mosquito nets on the windows
  7. Fumigate the rooms at least twenty minutes before going to sleep, leaving the windows and doors closed.

If despite all this care we receive some bites that scratch a lot and become inflamed, we must consult to receive the appropriate treatment and avoid complications.

It has been known that the bites are made by the female mosquito, since it needs the proteins in our blood to complete the maturation of its eggs and in this way to continue the cycle.

These mosquitoes have a coagulant in their saliva, which they inject into our blood when they bite us, in this way they manage to extract blood more easily, since this way they avoid the coagulant action of platelets.

The immune system of our body does not recognize this substance that the insect injects us and immediately reacts and attacks, which causes itching and inflammation.

What steps should we take?

In order to prevent discomfort and pain caused by mosquito bites, it is recommended:

  • Use insect repellent, which come in different presentations, such as sprays, sticks and creams; They are applied directly to the skin, especially in areas that are exposed, such as the face, arms and legs.
  • If we use the spray, it is good to also use it on clothing.
  • You should choose a good repellent that contains among its active principles, the diethyltoluamide DEET; This is considered the most effective repellent by the world health organization.

How do mosquito repellants work?

Repellents, as their name suggests, repel mosquitoes. They do not kill them, but they hide our smell to provoke rejection and prevent them from approaching. To do this, you have to apply them on the skin, at a distance of 15-20 cm and then spread it.

Today there is a great variety of repellants on the market, but, as we have said, the most effective are those that contain DEET. It is a safe component, so we do not have to worry. It is effective for most insects and arachnids.

What treatments are there?

The treatments that should be followed after having received some or some mosquito bites will only be soothing to try to improve the pain and itching that these insects can cause.

In the treatments, its main active element is ammonia, which acts by modifying the pH thus neutralizing the toxin that the insect introduces us when biting us.

We must not forget in any way that we must take extreme measures in our home to avoid the spread of these mosquitoes, avoiding having plants or flowers in water, and if we have them, change this every two days.

If we store water for consumption, the container must remain covered, keep the rainwater channels clean, to prevent water from accumulating.

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