How Does Good Company Influence Brain Activation?

The individual is surrounded by family, friends, partner, co-workers and acquaintances. Being accompanied is part of the human socialization process and this helps maintain your mental health. But, ¿ how influences good company in activating the brain ?

The brain dictates all of our mental activity  from unconscious processes, such as breathing, to the most elaborate thoughts. Neurons process information and allow us to think and act in situations that arise in life.

The information that is processed in the brain is influenced by what surrounds the individual. Mental processes are built by external information, which is learned in the places where the individual unfolds daily.

Being surrounded by people who contribute to life and have positive thoughts will be beneficial for your brain. A person who seeks the good and helps you move forward is one that you must value in your close circle.

Especially when we get older, there are many benefits of having a good company in activating the brain. We will tell you.

Good friends have something to do with brain activation

As a report from the Global Brain Health Council indicates, having an active social life (of course, with people who bring you well-being) can protect your brain as you age. It seems that both close family ties and good friendships can help to keep the brain active and healthy.

This is explained by Sarah Lock, director of the Council. Apparently, it’s not just the type of relationships we have that counts – things like the quality, purpose, and type of these relationships are also important to our brain health.

Provide emotional support

Emotional maturity

The brain generates emotions. Thus, having support in this area, with the company of loved ones, will help to manage emotions and have mental stability. When you are going through a situation that generates sad emotions, the support of good company can be key to overcome sadness.

Human beings are full of emotions, and having supportive people by your side will give you the confidence to overcome obstacles. In happy and celebratory moments, you will also strengthen those ties. Life is built between celebrations and sadness: it is up to you to surround yourself with people who accompany you on the path of life.

Stimulates mental processes

According to the Global Council on Brain Health, our close ties with family and friends can help us maintain memory strength and mental acuity.

In addition, assertive communication with people who contribute to your life will fill you with confidence. Discerning about situations and knowledge is part of the social process of the human being. Something is learned from all people, not necessarily a formal or educational knowledge, but through life experiences you can grow mentally.

Releases endorphins for brain activation

When you share with your friends, family, partner and acquaintances, you will release endorphins, better known as the hormones of happiness. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2014 in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences .

In addition, according to this research, being in good company also releases other hormones that participate in our well-being, such as oxytocin or dopamine. Being surrounded by positive people will give you happy moments; enjoy the place and the occasion when you share with others.

If you surround yourself with negative people or who do not seek the good for you, you may feel an emotional charge and not move forward. The person seeks your good when he accepts you with your strengths and weaknesses. Accept others as they are and put aside prejudices.

People who add and do not subtract

It is up to you to choose the people around you. Do not get carried away by the moment and choose people who add and do not subtract. Good company helps in activating the brain and will give you emotional stability.

Enjoy your loved ones and live in the moment, don’t let sadness disturb your mind. Surround yourself with people who help you to continue and move forward in life, good company will make you happier.

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