Free Yourself From The Dreaded “what Ifs …” And Doubts

What if I had told him things differently? What if I had dared to tell you what I feel? What if I hadn’t gotten like that? We continually return to our past to reflect on everything that we have not dared to do and doubts assail us.

Acting in this way leads us to a series of concerns from which we cannot escape. Do you recognize those people who continually think about everything and always have doubts? These “what ifs” are always on your mind.

Choices determine our path

It seems that when we start to think about the dreaded “what ifs” a world full of possibilities opens up. Suddenly we come across a series of trails that we could have taken.

We must overcome doubts from decision making.

However, we are not aware that this may be a game of our mind. Something that makes us doubt the choices we have made so that we begin to feel insecure. Doubts take over us.

Because, of course, there will always be the possibility of having chosen another path.

We don’t realize that the steps we take in this life will determine everything that happens next. After all, we cannot go back, we are only allowed to move forward.

The big problem arises when our mind insists on offering us other types of results with respect to a situation, such as, for example, a divorce circumstance between a couple who have been together for many years.

You may start to feel guilty and wonder what would have happened if you gave each other a second chance. What if you hadn’t parted? Perhaps, in your head, you could dream that everything would go well, it would improve.

Doubts carry excessive worries.

Although thinking about this is common and normal, in this case it denotes fear and insecurity. You are going through a difficult and complicated situation that you probably never wanted. The fact of having to go through it makes you dream of possible better results and doubts about your decisions.

Excessive worries and doubts

We can determine, then, that the terrible “what ifs” are accompanied by insecurities, doubts and fears, many of them unfounded, that make us dream of other results.

You know what? Most likely, everything happened in a very different way, although we can never know.

There are many people who live every day of their life with the dreaded “what ifs” in their head. It is a horrible situation that blocks them and, many times, prevents them from moving forward.

These people worry about everything, they go around each situation a thousand times, and most likely, in most cases, everything they think is wrong.

Take, for example, an everyday situation between friends. Maybe your friend is quieter today than usual. You spoke to him in the morning and he was reluctant to you. However, with the others, he is a bit more open.

Doubts lead to wrong assumptions.

If you are a person full of doubts, you  will begin to think that you have done something wrong, you will wonder what you could say that made you feel so bad and thus a loop of bad feelings will begin that will have no way out.

You don’t realize that maybe your friend is not having a good time and that the trust between you prevents him from having to pretend he’s okay. Have you thought about it like that?

Despite all this, surely your head continues to analyze and weigh other options, many of them ridiculous, that would make your friend laugh if he could read your mind.

We are wrong assuming

The time has come to free yourself from your wrong thoughts, but for this the first thing you must do is stop assuming. This plunges you into a loop full of things that really exist only in your mind.

It is important to start expressing what is on our minds, seek answers to those questions, free ourselves from doubts and take action.

Certainly, sometimes we cannot reverse a situation, but we can change the future with an action that has a significant effect on that past.

It is time to free yourself from doubts and take action.

Are you one of those who worry too much? If doubts continually haunt your mind, it is time for you to get down to work to free yourself from them. The “what ifs” will not exist if everything that goes through your mind is translated into reality.

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