Effective Homemade Rinses For Bleeding Gums

Do you usually suffer from gingivitis? The bleeding gums are the most common reality among the population. Today in our space we offer you simple rinses that you can prepare at home, and that will help you in your day to day.

Why do my gums bleed?

It happens many times. Finish brushing our teeth and watch our gums bleed. And even more, these are times when we feel inflamed. We even notice some mobility in the teeth. Why happens?

  • Problems in our teeth, especially if we have one tooth slightly mounted on another.
  • Vitamin deficiency, such as vitamin B3 or vitamin C.
  • Being low in defenses, with a somewhat weak immune system.
  • Hormonal problems: during menopause or during pregnancy.
  • Cavities, dental plaque and tartar problems.
  • Brush our teeth very hard.
  • Diabetes can also sometimes cause bleeding gums.

Effective rinses for bleeding gums

1. Baking soda rinse

Sodium bicarbonate can help us to alleviate bleeding gums.

Simply perfect. Have you ever tried a mint rinse to treat  bleeding gums ? Sometimes we spend money on treatments that we can easily do at home. And we certainly recommend that you do this one that we advise you now.

Peppermint is great for treating infections and inflammations, so take note of the steps:

  • 5 fresh mint leaves.
  • First, we will put them in half a glass of boiling water, to obtain their natural juice for at least 15 minutes.
  • Once it has rested a bit, take it to the refrigerator. 5 minutes.
  • Do a deep rinse. Let it reach all the gums, keeping the mint water there for a few minutes.
  • Remember to repeat this remedy 3 times a day, as always after meals.

    4. Rinse with aloe vera

    Aloe vera is a plant with very beneficial soothing properties in case of bleeding gums.

    According to experts, aloe vera may be the best remedy to treat gingivitis or bleeding gums. Aloe Vera, or aloe vera, is wonderful for healing, healing, reducing inflammations and infections.

    Know the details that we must follow to achieve it:

    • Cut a twig from the aloe vera plant.
    • Next, remove the gel inside, which is translucent and very viscous.
    • What we will do is massage our gums with this gel, it’s that easy.
    • We will carefully do this massage on the gums, gently but allowing it to be well absorbed.
    • Finally, we will brush our teeth normally. Very easy!

    From the rinses presented here, choose the one you like the most. The one that is easier for you or the one that offers you the most confidence. They are all very effective and useful, but the main secret is to be consistent. Also ideal if you follow correct oral hygiene habits.

    Remember above all to apply these rinses after the main meals of the day. Afterwards, you just have to brush your teeth normally. A simple and inexpensive remedy that will solve your bleeding gum problems. Finally, we recommend you go to the dentist to assess the magnitude of the problem and follow up.

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