Detoxification And Cleansing Diet With Lemon, Ginger And Cucumber

Both lemon and ginger and cucumber help us combat fluid retention and provide us with vitamins and minerals. Ginger also favors the absorption of nutrients.

Enjoying physical and emotional health is essential to have a good quality of life. For this, it is considered that one of the things that can be done (and that could help the body a lot) is a detox diet, which consists of a ‘cleansing of the body’.

Helping your body get rid of everything it doesn’t need could make all of your organs and systems work better so you can stay healthy.

What does the current detox claim ?

The detox current states that the body ‘accumulates’ toxins and wastes, which affect the functioning of the entire organism and make it prone to diseases.

Toxins would build up in the body from:

  • The sedentary lifestyle.
  • Lack of hydration (and regular consumption of industrial drinks and practically no water).
  • Poor diet (rich in sugar, fried foods, ultra-processed products, etc.).
  • Other bad lifestyle habits (smoking, alcoholism, etc.).

To prevent them from accumulating and damaging your health, there are those who claim that a detox diet should be done occasionally. This would consist of dispensing with certain edibles (such as pastries and sweets, for example), while improving eating habits.

Additionally, the process would be supported with the consumption of a natural hydrating drink, made with certain ingredients and without any sugar, stevia or other artificial sweeteners.

Lemon water is part of the detox diet.

The detox proposal

According to the current detox , the idea would be to consume lemon, cucumber and ginger water on an empty stomach. And the rest of the day it would be advisable to eat light but sufficient meals and consume plenty of fluids (water).

During those diet days, it would be important to eliminate the consumption of:

  • Salt.
  • Sugar. 
  • Pastries.
  • Whole milk.
  • Refined flours.
  • Margarines and spreads.
  • Trans and saturated fats.
  • Ultra-processed foods.
  • Industrial beverages (flavored waters, juices, soft drinks, teas and the like).

This procedure should be complemented with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, which will not only provide nutrients but also help satisfy the appetite.

Lemon, cucumber and ginger water

Since this drink not only hydrates but also stimulates urination, it is believed that it could help eliminate (through urine) everything that the body does not need. And since it is made with ingredients that have a high water content, it is considered to contribute to weight loss.

Together, lemon, cucumber and ginger help detoxify the body and reduce inflammation, making it look slimmer.


  • 1 lemon
  • ½ cucumber.
  • ½ fresh ginger. 
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 1 sprig of fresh mint.


  • Wash and disinfect the lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint leaves well.
  • They cut into slices or slices each of the ingredients with their peel.
  • Then, they are added in the glass of hot water.
  • The mixture is left to rest overnight and the next morning it is consumed.
  • If you wish, you can add ice to taste and honey.

    The nutritional contribution of the ingredients of this drink

    Lemon, a common ingredient in the detox diet.

    Lemon, the main ingredient of the detox diet

    According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, the lemon is a citrus fruit that, although it is very popular for its content of vitamin C and antioxidants, also contains soluble fiber (in the white layer that has under the rind) limonoids (in the rind) and citroflavonoids (in the rind and pulp).

    Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and also helps:

    • Improve iron absorption.
    • Maintain the health of the skin.
    • Promote collagen production.
    • Improve the health of the immune system.

    And due to its acidity, the detox current considers that this fruit would be capable of:

    • Improve digestion
    • Deflate the belly.
    • Prevent constipation
    • Regulate fat absorption.


    Ginger root is a spicy-flavored food that has digestive, anti-emetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, when it is included in drinks, it acts as a kind of natural tonic that calms discomfort.

    One of its main active ingredients is gingerol, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

    Some studies indicate that ginger may contribute to kidney health in the case of kidney inflammation and other conditions. And since, for the detox current , the kidneys are fundamental organs in the cleansing of the body, this information comes to have a relevant value.

    Cucumber, a common ingredient in the detox diet

    Cucumber is a food that is rich in water and therefore has a certain diuretic effect. It has a low content of carbohydrates and therefore is ideal for weight loss diets. According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, it contains a certain amount of folates, thiamine and niacin.

    Its highest contribution would be that of vitamin C, which, as we saw previously, is a substance that can contribute to health in various ways.

    As it helps to eliminate accumulated fluids in the body and promotes the elimination of waste from the body, it is considered that it can achieve the ‘detoxification’ of the body.

    Is it necessary to consult a nutritionist?

    To lose weight safely and meet the nutritional needs of your body, it is best to consult a nutritionist before doing any detox diet. The professional will know how to tell you what is best for you and why.

    In case you have any questions or concerns regarding your health or how you can achieve your goals in a safe and healthy way, go to your doctor for an evaluation and follow their recommendations. 

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