Delicious Baked Ribs Recipes

On many occasions, this dish can be found in the favorite menu of meetings and celebrations. This is due both to the quality of the ingredients and the good preparation of the dish itself.

The popularity of certain dishes, and such is the case of baked ribs,  has been maintained over time.  On many occasions, this dish can be found in the favorite menu of meetings and celebrations. This is due both to the quality of the ingredients and the good preparation of the dish itself.

Some use Provencal herbs or dry marinade to season and flavor the ribs. However, expert cooks say that the ideal for these pieces is barbecue sauce. Without a doubt, each proposal has its charm.

When choosing a rack of ribs, it is important to verify that there is a balance between the amount of meat and the bone. A novice shopper might believe that the more meat the better, but it is on the bone that most of the flavor is concentrated.

ribs meat

Cleaning and preparing baked ribs

A rack is usually made up of 12 ribs. These can be divided between two or three people, but it is really their size that will define the appropriate portion for each diner.

Before baking, they should be washed with plenty of water and excess fat removed. Although it is not advisable to leave it dry.

It is worth mentioning that it is not a quick recipe, since it takes three to four hours to obtain a perfect result.

Cooking instructions

Almost all the instructions for preparing a good rack of ribs include a marinade. It can be made with garlic, paprika, oregano, and pepper. To do this, you have to process the ingredients in a mixer or mortar, and add oil to dilute.

Once the product has been prepared,  the ribs must be painted on both sides. Then you have to cover and refrigerate for two hours, so that they absorb the flavor. Before putting them in the oven, which must be preheated to 190 °, it is necessary to sprinkle them with a little salt.

After 30 minutes, you can add a substantial stream of white wine. From that moment on, they must be checked every half hour until it completes its cycle, or until the meat separates from the bone.

Baked ribs recipes

1. Baked ribs with seasoned potatoes


  • Pork ribs seasoned at least 24 hours in advance.
  • For the marinade it is usually used;  curry, salt, paprika, pepper, cumin, oil and brown sugar.
  • The elaboration of the sauce includes;  lemon, mustard, rosemary honey, rice vinegar, brown sugar, brandy, herbs and soy.
  • For the garnish,  romaine lettuce and cherry tomatoes are recommended.

Exquisite recipes for caramelized ribs

Preparation of the ribs

First, you have to season the ribs and place them on the baking sheet. This should be lined with aluminum foil. It is important to keep in the refrigerator, well covered, until it is time to cook.

On the day of cooking, mix the ingredients for the sauce and coat the ribs. After that, seal the piece with aluminum foil before putting it in the oven.

After an hour drizzle with more sauce. It is advisable to repeat the action every 30 minutes until it is ready. Before removing from heat , check that the meat is soft and comes off the bone. Ideally, it should look gratin on the outside and soft on the inside.

Preparation of the potatoes

Thoroughly cleanse the skin, as it will be preserved, and place in a container with a lid. Then  season with herbs to taste, salt, oil, and pepper.

Then, close the container and beat vigorously so that the potatoes absorb the flavor. Finally, you have to fry and bathe them in tomato sauce.

If a lighter contour is preferred, a romaine lettuce and cherry tomato salad will be a good option. A little olive oil, salt and pepper will create the perfect dressing.

Baked ribs with honey


  • 1.5 kg of pork ribs and 3 potatoes, 200 grams.
  • Concentrated meat broth, 100 ml.
  • Oil, salt, thyme, rosemary and pepper.
  • 4 tablespoons of honey, 60 grams and 9 garlic cloves, 100 grams.
  • A glass of water, 200 ml.


First, in a container, preferably made of clay, drizzle a little oil and place the ribs. Then you have to add the potatoes cut into large pieces.

Pork ribs with barbecue sauce

After that, the unpeeled garlic and the rest of the dry ingredients are added. It is important to mix the meat broth, honey and a tablespoon of oil.

Finally, put in the oven for an hour, at 180 ºC, and spray the liquid every 15 minutes. It is advisable to turn the piece every half hour.

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