Combat Fluid Retention In A Week

To season dishes you can use spices, and thus avoid the use of salt. Remember that it is also important to exercise regularly.

Only people with fluid retention know how annoying it can be. In addition, it should be noted that there are seasons in which you suffer more intensely, due to heat, rhythm of life, hormonal issues, poor diet, etc. Therefore, today we want to talk to you about a diet plan that can help reduce the swelling caused by fluid retention.

It is important to note that fluid retention can be a symptom of a more serious condition, such as circulatory problems, heart failure, kidney or liver disease. Therefore, it is essential to go to the doctor so that he can detect the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment in each case.

It is not a miracle diet

This article is focused on reducing the swelling of the body through a healthy diet. However, it is essential to consult with the professional which are the most suitable foods for each person, according to their case.

In general, a low sodium diet is often recommended. In addition to reducing the consumption of table salt, remember that many of the processed foods consumed today incorporate large amounts of salt in their preparation. Therefore, it is preferable to opt for natural and seasonal foods.

This proposal is not designed to lose weight or lose fat, but for those people who accumulate fluids for different reasons.

How to combat fluid retention with diet


Breakfasts will be varied and balanced. We propose the following:

  • A piece of fruit. You can choose the one you like the most, for example, a pear, an apple or an orange.
  • Flaked oatmeal with fruits, nuts and yogurt. Another option is to prepare unsalted whole wheat toast with avocado, tahini, queso fresco or tortilla.
  • Infusion of green tea and horsetail.

At mid-morning, we can have another piece of fruit or another infusion like the previous one.

breakfast abbyladybug


The first course can be a salad with fresh leaves or a homemade vegetable cream.

For the second course we will combine carbohydrates and proteins. You can choose a dish from each of these two options:

  • Salad, brown rice, whole wheat bread or whole wheat pasta.
  • White meat, fish, egg or legumes.

Preferably use a little sea salt. You can also season with spices, lemon and vinegar to avoid having to use so much salt. To finish, the ideal is that for dessert you opt for a piece of fruit. You can eat apple or pear, either raw or baked.

onion soup lablascovegmenu


Dinners will consist of a first plate of vegetable cream and a second plate of protein (egg, fish, white meat, fresh cheese or nuts). Remember that lean meats are allowed, but sausages, smoked meats or charcuterie should be avoided due to their high content of preservatives and salt.

The key to dinner will be in the vegetable cream, which must contain all or some of these vegetables:

  • Celery. It is a diuretic vegetable and, in addition, it gives a delicate flavor to the cream. To always have it on hand, you can chop it and store it in the freezer, although it will always be more appropriate to use it fresh and ecological.
  • Onion. Like onion, it also has diuretic properties. In addition, thanks to its flavor we can also use it in all kinds of soups and creams.
  • Lettuce. It has diuretic properties, but it would also help regulate the nervous system, so this is an ideal cream for dinner, as it will help us relax before going to bed.

We will dress this cream with extra virgin olive oil.

cream lettuce shashinjutsu

Recommendations to avoid fluid retention

Do not forget that, when faced with a fluid retention problem, the most important thing is to go to the doctor so that he can make a diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

In addition to following a healthy, low-sodium diet, avoid spending too much time sitting or in the same posture. Try elevating your legs every now and then to try to reduce the edema. It is also important to exercise regularly, go for a walk or take the stairs instead of using the elevator.

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