Coconut And Almond Cookies: A Healthy And Quick Recipe

The almond and coconut are two foods that have been combined and used in distinctive ways within the confectionery of almost any region of the world. Both have a certain sweet flavor that, for those with a sweet tooth, is very pleasant. In addition, they support various combinations.

In the following recipe, the almond will provide a large part of the texture to the cookie, while the coconut will mainly be in charge of giving it the right aroma and consistency. And together, both ingredients will provide a tasty, balanced dessert, with a crunchy and soft touch at the same time. Perfect to enjoy with some homemade infusions or the drink of your reference.

Healthy coconut almond cookie recipe

It is advisable to prepare this recipe with a fresh, meaty and juicy coconut, so that the result is much better. However, if you do not have this option, it is possible to take advantage of the dry, grated coconut and coconut milk that they sell in supermarkets.

On the other hand, the ideal is to use unsalted, natural almonds, which are not fried or toasted, so that they create a more pleasant flavor when mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

How to make coconut almond cookies


  • 1 cup of almonds (150 g)
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (120 g)
  • 6 or 8 pieces of pitted dates
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence (15 ml)
  • 2 pinches of brown sugar


  1. Start first by cutting the coconut in half. This process can take some time because the shell is extremely stiff and hard.
  2. Also, you must be very careful with the implement you use for this purpose. It would be recommended that you have some additional help.
  3. Once the previous step has been achieved, extract the pulp and reserve it to later grate.
  4. Next, crush the almonds. Be patient and do it until you get the powdery texture. This will be your cookie base.
  5. Then, with the coconut pulp ready and extracted, begin to grate it and accumulate it together with the crushed almond powder.
  6. Both ingredients will go to a medium bowl, along with the water and the vanilla essence.
  7. Also, you will add the dates (previously crushed) to the bowl and you will begin to shape the dough of your cookies.
  8. For this, you will need to mix all the ingredients well with water and with your hands until they form a homogeneous mass.
  9. Finally, on a baking sheet, shape your cookies and decorate with pieces of almonds and then take them to the oven for 7 minutes.

After the indicated time, remove, let them cool a little and that’s it! You can accompany your coconut and almond cookies with milk or any drink you prefer.

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