Chamomile And Cinnamon Remedy To Lower Sugar And Control Diabetes

It is said that chamomile can help us regulate sugar levels after eating, while cinnamon favors cellular metabolism and improves the response to insulin.

To lower sugar and control diabetes, various remedies have been proposed, such as chamomile and cinnamon, two natural elements that have proven medicinal properties. Are you interested in knowing more about it? In that case, keep reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

If when measuring blood sugar levels they remain above 180, it indicates that the body does not have enough insulin, the hormone responsible for keeping blood glucose under control.

When it is not given adequate attention and the habits that cause these highs or “spikes” are maintained, a chronic disease known as diabetes occurs which, in turn, has several consequences for health.

The frequent feeling of fatigue, changes in urination and dehydration are some of the signs that can alert a high sugar crisis. Although to obtain the proper diagnosis, it is best to go to the doctor and have the respective checkup.

Once the doctor prescribes the most appropriate treatment for us, what remains to be done from now on is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Within this lifestyle, there are those who consider that they can resort to certain natural remedies, such as the chamomile and cinnamon drink that we will discuss later.

Why chamomile and cinnamon?

In general, it is considered that both chamomile and cinnamon have multiple medicinal applications that have been used since ancient times. Both are anti-inflammatory and contain active ingredients that allow them to regulate and keep high blood sugar levels under control.

Chamomile benefits

Chamomile tea: properties and benefits

Chamomile is a plant that has been a source of research for many decades. Its flowers help alleviate digestive symptoms and psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety and insomnia.

In one of the investigations, it was determined that its significant contribution of quercetin has the ability to prevent sugar outbreaks after eating. This antioxidant slows down the absorption of glucose in the intestine, giving the body enough time to metabolize it properly.

In a comment, Mina T Kelleni, from the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Minia, Egypt, comments that chamomile tea has the potential to contribute to the treatment of diabetes.

See Also: 6 Unusual Uses For Chamomile You Should Try

Benefits of cinnamon

Side effects of cinnamon.

Known for its pleasant aroma and distinctive flavor, cinnamon is a spice with the potential to provide several health benefits. It has been stated on several occasions that its regular and moderate intake favors the absorption of glucose, improving cellular metabolism.

Apparently, after consuming cinnamon, its assets stimulate essential enzymes that are responsible for improving the response of cells to insulin. In addition, one of its bioactives would support the process by which the body transforms sugar into energy.

How to prepare this chamomile and cinnamon remedy?

To prepare this remedy of chamomile and cinnamon against diabetes, it is enough to combine some flowers of this herb with a small amount of cinnamon. The result is an infusion with very few calories that you can ingest every day – if your doctor authorizes it – to take advantage of all its benefits.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g).
  • 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers (10 g).


  • Put the cinnamon in a pot with a cup of water and bring it to a boil.
  • When it comes to a boil, remove it and add the chamomile flowers.
  • Let them rest for 10 minutes and then strain.


  • This remedy should not be consumed by patients with liver problems.
  • Nor should it be taken in excess if you are taking medications or supplements for the same purpose.

Discover: 4 infusions to relax

In any case, it should be remembered that the chamomile and cinnamon remedy is a natural supplement that does not replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In other words, you can drink it, but always within the framework of a healthy lifestyle.

Since it contains cinnamon, a spice that as well as has medicinal properties also has contraindications in some cases , it is best to consult a specialist before starting to consume it regularly. In particular, if there is a suspicion of any type of allergy or if you are taking some type of pharmacological treatment continuously.

On the other hand, keep in mind that the results of the chamomile and cinnamon remedy depend on the consistency with which it is consumed, as well as on the other habits that are adopted against diabetes, such as exercising regularly, improving diet, avoiding consumption alcohol and tobacco as well as ultra-processed, etc.

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