Bring Out Your Sleeping Skills

Do you think nothing is good for you? That you don’t have any talents? This is not true. We all have something that we excel at, that we like, that we can work with while having fun. However, those dormant abilities must be awakened.

Surely you remember something that you were very good at as a child. Maybe draw, build things, or play soccer. However, now that you are an adult and have landed a “normal” job, you consider that you have no talent.

The talents that repressed us in childhood

Footballer girl

When we ask a child what he wants to be when he grows up, he says things like an astronaut, a veterinarian, a soccer player or a teacher, among many other professional options. However, few are those who meet these expectations that they have.

The problem arises when adults treat this as a “dream. However, they are not professions that do not exist. They are not unreal! However, the lack of trust that adults have in children, their own beliefs and the limitations they place on their own abilities make them repress those of the little ones.

Why don’t we believe that a little boy who likes to paint can become famous for his works? Why is it hard for us to believe that if you like to play soccer you can live off your passion?

With our own limitations, which we have already inherited from our parents, dormant abilities begin to emerge as children advance in age. Thus, there comes a time when these are forgotten, while undervaluation arises, the “I have no talent” and “a job is a job” .

In this way, children become adults who do not enjoy their occupations and who deny their own abilities. Those dormant abilities that have been in that state for so long that they don’t even know they’re there yet.

Awaken sleeping abilities

The fact that we have become adults does not mean that our dormant abilities will stay that way forever. However, standing still is not an option, so we have to take action to change this.


Awaken sleeping abilities

Reading opens up a world of infinite possibilities for us. It boosts our creativity and may remind us of what we were good at and what we don’t do now.

Let’s imagine that we are reading a book and in it there is a poem and we think: “Wow! If I wrote a lot when I was little ”. Reading can make you regain that illusion and recall what you did when you were much younger. Now, be careful not to say “I don’t have time to read.” Because what you don’t have is desire …

2. Take time

Sometimes work and family take a long time to do what we like and this can lead to dormant skills. If you liked to paint as a child and it is something you still want to do, but you make the excuse of time, enough!

Do you have 5 minutes? Do you waste half an hour watching television because you are so tired of working? Instead of doing this, try spending that time painting. You will feel better, you will be enhancing that ability and it will begin to awaken.

3. Train yourself

Reading group

One way to deal with dormant skills is to sign up for a training course or a group of people who meet to put it into practice. Like a reading group if you like to read.

  • Everything is valid, the important thing is that you get out of your comfort zone and that that skill comes to light.

You will enjoy the experience very much and you will be making those dormant skills awaken after so long. Also, interacting with other people with the same talent will motivate you even more.

There is something inside of you that you know you would like to do, just maybe you call it “silly” or you think “it is a waste of time”. However, what beliefs are acting for you to think that? Why not give it a try to consider this answer later?

We tend to make many excuses for not doing what we want because of that repression that was generated when we were still very young and we believed that anything was possible. And it’s true. Everything is possible. We are the ones who limit ourselves …

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