Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Almost all of us love to enjoy a delicious salad with apple cider vinegar, but it is also important to know that this product is not only pleasant to the taste, but also has a series of properties that would be beneficial to health.

It should be noted that it is a preferable option to modena vinegar creams. The latter have a large amount of added sugars, which can be detrimental to metabolic health in the medium term. It is always advisable to avoid the consumption of these ingredients.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular product both culinary and in natural medicine. For hundreds of years it has been used in the preparation of food, natural remedies and ecological products for the home. It has certain properties evidenced by science.

It is obtained by combining apples with yeast and, subsequently, it is fermented in acetic acid by adding bacteria. In the end, a fermented product is obtained with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, water and acid compounds, according to data from the US Department of Agriculture .

The properties of cider vinegar

Besides being a highly appreciated product in gastronomy due to its excellent taste, alternative medicine maintains that it would serve to prevent some health problems and improve the functioning of the body in general.

This food is composed of an interesting amount of nutritive substances, such as vitamins, essential acids, enzymes, significant amounts of pectins, cellulose and minerals; it also contains potassium and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, boron and silicon.

Regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Pectin, which is found in abundant amounts in cider vinegar, would help regulate the levels of sugar and cholesterol present in the body, according to different studies. This is very positive, since it reduces the risk of developing diabetes in the medium term, an endemic disease in today’s society.

It would strengthen the bones

If this vinegar is consumed daily it would provide calcium to the bones and potassium to the muscles. Historically, cider vinegar is known as “the elixir of youth” , as it would have the ability to help the body stay young. We have not found scientific evidence in this regard.

Anyway, experts say that this effect is due to its content in minerals such as calcium or phosphorus.

Apple cider vinegar

It would improve bowel function

The consumption of cellulose, a substance present in this vinegar, is associated with better intestinal transit, according to a study published in Gut Microbes . In other words, we could avoid annoying constipation. In addition, it is believed that it would help regenerate the intestinal flora.

It would alleviate the symptoms of menopause

Popular folklore holds that consuming cider vinegar regularly would help improve menopausal symptoms. It is supposed to help control sudden hot flashes, weakness and tiredness, nervousness and stress. There are no reliable data to support this claim.

It would improve metabolism

There are no human studies that indicate this, however, research carried out in mice has suggested that its consumption would help accelerate metabolism, helping weight loss. More studies would be necessary, since the results obtained in animals are not perfectly extrapolated to the human organism.

Still, the metabolic functioning of rodents closely resembles that of humans, so these results are encouraging.

Other uses for apple cider vinegar

Although there is no scientific data to support these uses, this vinegar is used ancestrally for the relief of colds, flu, mouth inflammations, sore throats, tooth decay and migraine. Researchers claim that this food has antiseptic properties, which could be beneficial in reducing the burden of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases.

Also, some alternative medicine experts suggest using it by applying compresses to relieve muscle aches. In the same way, we could use it to relieve hives, burns, eczema and sunburn.

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Apple cider vinegar, a beneficial food

As you can see, apple cider vinegar is attributed all kinds of health properties. Many of them do not have scientific studies to support them, however Ayurvedic medicine points out their effectiveness. In any case, we recommend that you consult a doctor if you suffer from any of the ailments indicated in this article.

Also, remember that this food is a much better option than opting for vinegar creams that have added sugars to their credit. With apple cider vinegar you can dress dishes and culinary preparations on a regular basis, without worrying about their excessive content of certain macronutrients. There are also different varieties, thus being able to choose the one that most satisfies you in terms of flavor.

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