Beetroot And Molasses: A Traditional Remedy For Ovarian Cysts

Many women suffer from ovarian cysts. These do not have to be serious, although they do require monitoring and treatment. Although it is important to eliminate them to prevent other health problems. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should not hesitate to go to a specialist. 

Discover in this article how a simple remedy based on beets and molasses can help you treat ovarian cysts. Obviously it is important to remember that you should always lead a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. 

What are ovarian cysts?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that both young and older women can get ovarian cysts at any time. Although in some cases it is not a serious problem, the truth is that we must always treat them appropriately.

These are usually some of the most common symptoms of this type of cyst. However, in the event of any suspicion, it is always advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle, especially when it is too long.
  • Sensation of pressure in the pelvis.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

In some cases, these main symptoms may be accompanied by problems with urination, weight gain, or breast tenderness.  If in doubt, we recommend a gynecological visit.

ovarian cysts

Beneficial foods

Here we highlight two very healthy and beneficial foods to prevent and treat ovarian cysts. Both share very powerful properties to help fight free radicals and reduce inflammatory processes.

In addition, these two foods are essential due to the large amount of nutrients that they provide us. In this way, we can avoid nutritional deficits and strengthen the immune system to prevent the appearance of cysts.


Beet is a vegetable with a characteristic purple color and sweet taste. It is a medicinal food that can help us treat many imbalances in a natural way. According to Prevention Magazine, it is very suitable for all those diseases that affect the blood. For example, anemia, cholesterol, hypertension or poor circulation.

Beetroot can be effective in the prevention and treatment of ovarian cysts thanks to the properties of its pigments. These have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive virtues.


Molasses is a dark, thick and sweet liquid that is obtained from the process of making cane sugar. Thanks to its richness in nutrients, this food is believed to be much healthier than white sugar or chemical sweeteners. In addition, it has a very intense and particular flavor similar to liquorice.

On a medicinal level, Prevention Magazine explains that its nutrients, as well as a high content of amino acids and linoleic acid, have a strong antitumor power. For this reason, molasses is a traditional remedy to prevent ovarian cysts and one of the best ways to sweeten our dishes.

Beet and molasses home remedy


  • 7 medium beets.
  • 2 glasses of molasses (480 g).

beetroot and molasses for ovarian cysts

What should we do?

To prepare this remedy for ovarian cysts we will follow the following steps:

  • First, wash the beets well and peel them.
  • Then blend them to extract their juice and strain their fiber.
  • If we wish, we can add 3 or 4 beet leaves.
  • Mix the juice with the molasses and store in a jar.
  • Shake well before consumption.
  • Keep in the fridge.

How do we take it?

We will consume a small cup (100 ml) of this remedy in each dose, as follows:

  • Fasting, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • Half an hour before lunch.
  • Half an hour before dinner.

It is recommended to maintain this treatment for at least 2 months. It is a very effective remedy but we must be patient. Likewise, before starting this treatment we should consult with our doctor to clarify doubts and follow up. 

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