Get Fit With Just 3 Exercises

Getting in good shape is not something that is achieved overnight. To get in good shape, you must be consistent and also eat a good diet. Cheer up and achieve your goals!

Having a good figure is the reason why many people exercise every day. In addition, physical activity is extremely beneficial for health. However, lack of time and hectic routines very often undermine this possibility. If this is your case, get in shape with the simple exercises that we present.

Before starting, you should keep in mind that no exercise will do “magic” on your body: to see results, you have to be constant. It is advisable to have an active life, doing strengthening exercises at least twice a week, according to the World Health Organization.

To the previous recommendation, 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of intense activity are also added. Likewise, a balanced diet and adequate rest are essential.

Get fit with 3 bodyweight exercises

It is clear that in a gym or training center you will find many tools and equipment to vary the exercise routine, which will allow you to work more muscles and in many different ways. In addition, the guidance and supervision of a professional is always recommended.

However, if you are just starting to exercise and want to start modifying your lifestyle little by little and in just a few minutes, the following proposals will undoubtedly serve you.

1. Push-ups

Push-ups to be in good shape

The first of the exercises that we propose are push-ups. These not only serve to strengthen the arms, but also help to work the entire upper body, including the biceps, triceps, delts and abs. This is because these muscles provide stability and complement the effort of the pectorals, as detailed in a study published by the American College of Sports Medicine.

The secret is to do it in a slow and controlled way. Sudden movements coupled with a bad position are a mistake that can only cause you to hurt yourself. The proper technique is as follows:

  • Begin by laying on your stomach, looking at the ground.
  • Your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders should be aligned.
  • Place your elbows in a 90 degree position. Thus, the chest should lightly touch the ground.
  • The exercise consists of stretching the arms pushing upwards. Expel the air when you go up and take in air when you go down.
  • Check that the pelvis does not fall and that the buttocks do not come out. Try to focus on working your shoulders, pecs, and triceps.

2. Iron

In shape with the iron.

The plank, also called plank , is another of the most complete exercises. If you do not know what it is or do not know the correct technique, we will detail it below:

  • You will have to lie on your stomach and support yourself on your elbows. Your shoulders, hips and feet should be aligned. The legs should be straight and the hips straight.
  • The goal of doing this exercise is to hold this position for as long as possible.
  • Start with 15-second sets. As the days go by, you can increase the time.

As a study carried out by experts from the Public University of Navarra explains, this work is included among those that strengthen the core region. Therefore, by doing so you will gain resistance, improve posture naturally and decrease the incidence of low back pain. In addition, the iron will help you prevent injuries.

3. Squats

Squats to get the lower body in shape.

Squats are not the most comfortable exercise for many people, but since their effectiveness is proven, they could not be missing from this list. It is a demanding movement for the legs, but one that guarantees good results, since it allows the entire lower body to be worked. According to a Harvard Health Publishing publication , the correct technique is as follows:

  • Begin with your feet hip-width apart. The balls of your feet should be facing slightly outward.
  • Bend your knees and lower your torso. The chin should always be up and the face looking straight ahead.
  • The back must always remain straight. The buttocks, meanwhile, should be pointing backwards.
  • Be careful that your knees don’t bend inward.
  • The final step is to climb slowly.

If you can, do the squats in front of a mirror, to see for yourself if you are respecting the correct posture or not. Remember to start with less quantity and go incorporating repetitions and series according to your evolution.

Get in shape with these strength routines

Additionally, strength routines will allow you to be in shape and will provide great health benefits. According to a Mayo Clinic publication, this type of exercise contributes to the maintenance of bone density, weight control and the prevention of chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes or heart disease.

All you have to do is do two or three weekly sessions. The series can be of 12 to 15 repetitions, according to your capacity; When dealing with strength exercises, it is necessary to include some external load —such as a pair of dumbbells— in the work that allows it. Here are just a few of the exercises you can include:

  • Dominated.
  • Triceps dips.
  • Push-ups.
  • Jump squats.
  • Strides.
  • ABS.
  • Push-ups with alternate arms and squats.

Plan your routines and start moving

Ultimately, any physical exercise routine that you decide to undertake will be beneficial for your health. Both with the simple exercises that we present and with the strength routine, the long-term positive consequences will be remarkable.

As a final tip, it is worth noting that it is always good to have the guidance and supervision of a professional. This will especially help you to have a personalized routine and to learn the correct technique. Remember also that eating well and resting properly is just as important as training itself. Get in shape and improve your quality of life!

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