6 Juices To Control Anxiety

Did you know that there are very suitable juices to control anxiety? The current lifestyle loaded with multiple tasks and responsibilities is one of the main causes that people frequently go through these types of states.

When this psychological condition settles in our mind, everything begins to change. Small problems get bigger, thoughts turn negative, and what is worse, our health suffers.

It is a priority that we learn to manage moderate anxiety so that this condition does not become chronic. Seeking professional help, changing our lifestyle and improving our diet is key to achieving this.

Likewise, there is a fact that we cannot ignore. According to a study carried out at King’s College London, 70% of our development of anxiety states is due to environmental causes, the rest depends on genetic factors.

In addition, it is also known that women are more prone to anxiety compared to men.

Being clear about these data, it is important that we understand that although there is a certain predisposition to suffer these states, it is in our power to manage them, to manage them on a day-to-day basis.

Although anxiety episodes Severe should be treated by a specialist, luckily, there are several alternatives to fight this problem and prevent its possible consequences. Here we share the best juices to control anxiety.

Juices to control anxiety

Can these natural options really treat our anxiety? Well, it is necessary to previously consider a series of aspects.

These proposals do not make this problem disappear, what they do manage is to treat the symptoms by providing us with adequate nutrients to improve our brain chemistry and thus facilitate adequate well-being.

In fact, studies such as the one carried out at the University of Aberdeem in Scotland indicate that people who suffer  from mood disorders tend to follow low-quality diets, low in the consumption of fruits and vegetables but high in fat and sugars.

Making a change and introducing natural juices is a way to alleviate this negative impact on our body. It is to give adequate vitamins and minerals to the brain so that it can produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

It is also to benefit from magnesium or tryptophan to promote calm and relaxation …

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent option to mediate our well-being. Juices to control anxiety are undoubtedly a good recommendation for day to day.

1. Papaya and apple juice

This delicious juice is ideal to control anxiety in those moments when we are hungry and want to eat excessively. Its relaxing properties give us a feeling of satiety, well-being and, in addition, it promotes digestion.

In fact, studies such as the one carried out at the University of Mekelle and published in an ethnopharmacology journal, show us that the extract of papaya pulp has, indeed, sedative effects.


  • 1 papaya cut into chunks.
  • 1 red apple without seeds.

How to prepare it?

Put the fruits in a blender and add a little water to facilitate blending. This juice should be consumed 2 or 3 hours before going to sleep and can also be taken half an hour before each meal.

2. Cabbage and carrot juice

Another of the juices to control anxiety is cabbage and carrot. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. In addition to fighting anxiety, this juice also strengthens the immune system.


  • ¼ medium cabbage cut into chunks.
  • 3 large carrots.
  • 2 fennel heads cut into four pieces.

How to prepare it?

Put the ingredients alternately in the blender, stir well and drink immediately.

3. Purifying parsley juice

one of the juices to control anxiety

This powerful juice combines the healing properties of garlic, onion, peppers and parsley to offer relief from symptoms associated with anxiety.

Thus, what this natural remedy achieves is two things: the first to strengthen our defenses. Something essential in states of anxiety since our immune system weakens.

The second aspect is to act as a purifying remedy. Fluid retention is reduced, we optimize kidney function (greatly affected when we suffer stress and anxiety) and thus mediate our well-being.


  • A bunch of parsley.
  • 2 peppers
  • 2 onions.
  • 2 cloves of garlic

How to prepare it?

Put all the ingredients in the blender and add a little water to facilitate blending. You must consume it very cool and on alternate days.

4. Banana, strawberry and pear juice

This is one of the most delicious anxiety control juices. The fruits that are included also provide energy and help improve the mood to continue the activities of the day.


  • 1 banana
  • 250 grams of strawberries.
  • 1 pear

How to prepare it?

Place all the ingredients in the blender with ½ glass of water and blend well for a couple of minutes until they are fully integrated. Drink this juice every morning.

5. Pear juice with oatmeal

OATS, one of the juices to control anxiety

Oatmeal and pear are two good allies to combat anxiety and all the symptoms that can be derived from this problem. By including a cereal as complete as oats, this juice is ideal to feel more satisfied and avoid the excesses of meals that occur as a result of anxiety.


  • 1 ripe pear.
  • 2 tablespoons of ground oats.
  • Honey bee.
  • 1 glass (200 ml) of peppermint infusion.

How to prepare it?

Obtain the juice from the pear with a juicer and then put it in a blender along with the oatmeal and the mint infusion. Beat for a couple of minutes so that all the ingredients are integrated. Finally, add the honey to consume it.

6. Apple and walnut juice

Apple and walnut juice is a healthy drink that helps control anxiety, provides a feeling of fullness and offers us the many benefits of apples and walnuts. If you cannot improve your mood and you feel that nervousness and pressure prevent you from continuing with your life normally, do not forget to prepare this excellent juice.


  • 1 washed apple.
  • Almond milk.
  • 4 walnuts (good for nourishing the nervous system).
  • A little bit of orange blossom honey (relaxing).

How to prepare it?

Extract the juice from the unpeeled apple and blend together with the almond milk and the four walnuts. Finally, add a little orange blossom honey and drink it very cool.

To conclude, do not hesitate to prepare these juices to control anxiety. However, remember that these proposals are simple natural complements. In case it is difficult for you to free yourself from these states of constant worry and discomfort, do not hesitate to consult a professional.

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