Properties Of The Seitan

Also known as “vegetable meat” it is an undisputed ally of vegetarians. It has a texture very similar to beef, but with a higher amount of protein according to the SDA (Agricultural Research Service of USA). We can cook the same dishes with seitan as with pieces of animal origin. Discover here some of the properties of seitan.

Some facts about seitan

Seitan comes from gluten, that is, the protein of wheat (located in the embryo, a vital part from which life will be born). It has the appearance of a small, brown ball. Its elaboration is by means of the flour kneading and the formation of dough buns like those of pizza or bread. Then a washing process is applied that removes the flour and leaves only the gluten. The next step is to boil with soy sauce and Kombu Seaweed so that it has more minerals and vitamins.

Regarding the properties of seitan we can say that:

  • First, it has a large protein intake (24% of its weight)
  • It is low in calories
  • Has no cholesterol
  • With more calcium and minerals than beef
  • It also contains abundant lecithin
  • It is low in fat
  • Low sodium content
  • Has no antibiotics or hormones

Benefits and properties of seitan

By eating seitan regularly, whether you are vegetarian or not, you will be incorporating many healthy and varied nutrients into your diet, with new recipes and options. It is a protein food with easy digestion, its taste is very mild and most people tolerate it.

However, it is necessary that we consult with a doctor first. Given its high protein level, its intake can lead to excessive protein consumption. In the same way, its protein composition is not complete, since it lacks lysine.

This means that its consumption must be supplemented with other foods, especially legumes, as various studies have stated.

There is not enough scientific evidence to speak of seitan as a miracle food, so we must be careful. It should not be dangerous for those with lactose intolerance, but if we suffer from this condition, it is always better to consult a specialist.

It is generally very light and does not usually cause stomach discomfort or bloating.

As for its flavor, it can be similar to that of meat or chicken. That is why in some preparations you hardly notice the difference.

The use of seitan is not recommended in cases of moderately elevated hypertension, in cases of gluten intolerance (celiac) or some allergies. Babies can consume it after a certain age, but never without first asking the doctor if it is possible or not.

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