The Best Easily Digestible Foods

It is important to include easily digestible foods in your diet, even if you don’t have any health problems; since this way you will prevent its appearance.

Eating easily digestible foods is one way to make your digestive system work better. Furthermore, s If it works correctly, you will feel healthier and you will be able to carry out daily activities without problem. However, if you do not consume enough, you can have complications.

Try to choose them also when you feel an upset stomach, and follow healthy life guidelines to avoid it . However, if you have difficulties and they affect you on a day-to-day basis; do not forget to go to the doctor to make a proper diagnosis.  

The best easily digestible foods

Once explained why you should include them in a healthy and balanced diet, we present you some of the best foods that promote digestion. Take note!

1. Yogurt

Yogurt, as José Antonio Mateos from the “Mediterranean Diet Development Foundation” indicates, is one of the most common easily digestible foods. This is because it is easy to consume and has a number of benefits. In this line, e Yogurt has probiotics, protein, and calcium.

fruit yogurt

To be sure it helps with digestion, go for natural options. And there are two types of yoghurt  you can choose: the regular and the Greek type.

Greek-type yogurt is a derivative of regular yogurt that has all of the buttermilk removed. This small change gives it a different consistency and flavor.

How to ensure that yogurt is easily digestible?

  • A commercial yogurt with fruit may be more appetizing. The problem is that these also contain sugar and other artificial sweeteners.
  • To ensure that the yogurt is easily digestible, buy or make your own plain, low-fat or fat-free yogurt . If you want to add something sweet, choose natural fruit or honey.

    2. Chicken breast

    Another easily digestible food is chicken breast chicken . This has protein and the body assimilates it easily.

    In addition, as it is a lean meat, the amount of fat it gives you is minimal. And some people choose to eat it with the skin on, but if you have high triglycerides it’s best to avoid it.

    Chicken breast

    This meat will provides vitamins, minerals and protein . And it will make you feel satiated with less quantity, plus it’s easy to cook. 

    The only disadvantage that you could find is that it does not contain too much fiber. However, this is solved by accompanying it with some green leafy vegetable.

    How to ensure that the chicken breast is easily digestible?

    • According to a study developed by several Thai researchers, baked, boiled or grilled are the best ways to prepare chicken breast . Avoid frying; as this only adds more fat in the process and can affect the stomach.
    • Try to serve the breast with a good portion of vegetables.

    3. Brown rice, one of the easily digestible foods

    This is a favorite easily digestible food that also contains fiber. Half rations of brown rice gives you more fiber and less carbohydrates than a white rice.

    Brown rice is a good natural ally against indigestion, constipation, gas and diarrhea. It helps the slow transit dissolve and allows the best absorption of nutrients.

    How to prepare brown rice so that it is easy to digest?

    • You can prepare it the same as white rice.
    • In fact, it would be advisable to replace it with integral.  

    4. Salmon

    Besides being one of the best easily digestible foods, the salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids and proteins . Due to these qualities, you should consider it as an important part of the diet and an ally of the digestive system.


    An article published by the Chilean Nutrition Magazine explains that, although it has fats, they help you improve cardiovascular health. In addition, they will allow you to cook it without adding others that do hinder the functioning of the digestive system.

    How to prepare it?

    • Because of the amount of omega 3 it contains, it is better baked.
    • You can cook it alone or with vegetables.
    • And, for a fresher dish, you can accompany it with a salad.

    5. Oats

    Oatmeal is another of the easily digestible foods that will help you start your day right. Add a cup of cooked oatmeal to breakfast, and your digestive system will thank you.

    Oatmeal is one of the most nutritious cereals that contains melatonin.

    The fiber that contains oatmeal is responsible for making it so easy to digest. In addition, t lso helps lower blood cholesterol , which is a positive health effect.

    How to ensure that oatmeal maintains its easily digestible characteristic?

    • The most important thing is to avoid instant oatmeal that comes in packets of different flavors. While it is true that it is still oatmeal, the problem is that it is accompanied by sweeteners and preservatives.
    • The best alternative is to prepare natural oatmeal at home. You only need flakes, which you can buy by the kilo in any store or supermarket.
    • You can prepare it with milk or water, a little cinnamon or brown sugar and honey.

    6. Eggs

    Research with adult volunteers found eggs to be one of the best easily digestible foods. In addition, they are easy to prepare and can be combined with a diverse amount of vegetables.

    However, it must be said that a recent study carried out in 2020 in collaboration with several universities in the United Kingdom, Berlin and France detailed that, in child models, the digestion of proteins was not as complete.

    Fried egg

    The most common eggs are chicken eggs, but any type of egg is also beneficial in its fair proportion. Also, contrary to popular belief, both the yolk and the white are nutritious and healthy ; since both parts contain protein and minerals.

    The best way to prepare eggs

    • Boiled and scrambled are the options for easier digestion .
    • Fried eggs are the least recommended option, as the oil makes them difficult to digest.

    Help the stomach with these easily digestible foods

    With these easily digestible food alternatives you can help the stomach. Especially when you feel too upset and sick from a poor diet.

    Also, remember that eating a balanced diet and doing some exercise are two fundamental pillars to take care of yourself. And, if you have any questions or if you feel that you may have a food intolerance, consult your GP for a correct diagnosis.

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