How To Include The Color Red In Your Decorations

The color red is undoubtedly one of the most powerful colors that we can find in any color palette. It is a very powerful and daring tone and, believe it or not, it always has a place in our home.

It brings warmth, energy and is very striking and, if we know how to use it properly, we can create original and very personal environments within the four walls of our house. Contrary to what you may think, it  may be the color you need to give it that distinctive touch.

red woman

Characteristics of the color red

Bright and strong tones such as red are directly associated with modern and avant-garde spaces. On the other hand, softer colors such as light yellow, salmon or peach are related to more relaxed and warm environments.

You can play with all the tones and create contrasts that give very good results: you just need to know how to combine them in the best way and more if you already have the decoration of your house very marked.

Red is a primary, warm color that transmits a lot of energy; always makes a visual and stimulating impact. You can use it to combine it with colors of wood, metals or different upholstery.

We can find it in a large number of decorative elements such as kitchen countertops, floor tiles, bathroom tiles … It is also present in the different textiles used in a house, from curtains to sofa covers or rugs.

How we react to the color red

  • This color is stimulating: our body accepts it and reacts to these light waves. Red is the one with the longest wavelength and the highest level of vibration. For this reason it is considered one of the most stimulating for humans. It draws our attention a lot.
  • It is a luminous color: If we place it in a room, either by painting the walls or adding an element of this color, it will make the room warmer because red absorbs the light. It is warm and very sensual.

How to include the color red in your decorations

Free spaces are also necessary inside the houses.

We can include it in any room: the kitchen, the bathroom or the living room. Enhance any other decorative motif such as the dining room table, the shelves or the sofa itself.

It can be combined with other colors such as black, white, gray or even yellow. We just have to risk a little and let our imaginations return. Here are some great ideas for you to take a chance with this red color.

Where to put the red in our house?

The color red does not suit every room in our house. For example, we have to look for dynamism in those in which we want there to be more movement.

  • Since it is not a relaxing tone, we should avoid using it in our bedroom, since this is a rest and rest area.

Combine it with the rest of the colors

Not all colors match each other. It is true that if we look for a home with more eclectic touches, where nothing matches anything, we can risk much more and ‘go crazier’. However, if you just want to give a different touch to your home, combine them with the following colors:

  • It combines very well with white. This happens because red receives a lot of light. Thus, if we place it next to the white it will make it stand out. In a room with white walls, there is no problem in placing a red carpet or sofa or a large painting where this color predominates.
  • It is perfect for highlighting our wooden furniture. The color red conveys a soft effect even if it appears otherwise. Along with the wooden furniture you can find that modern touch.
  • The darker tones such as gray, dark blue or black can also achieve sublime effects.

It is important to emphasize that for this last combination we will need a large source of lighting, either natural or artificial, so that that corner of the house does not turn off.

Tips when using the color red

Here are some practical tips so as not to make mistakes in the choice, because in some transformations and interior decorations going back would be very frustrating:

  • The red color is very dominant, therefore, you have to be very sure when using it.
  • If you decide to paint the walls red, do not paint all four walls, as it could get a very ornate and overwhelming effect.
  • Play with your furniture and decorative items. As we have already indicated previously, it is not necessary to add the color red just by painting the walls: you can add this color with a large armchair or some curtains.
  • In children’s bedrooms it is a good idea to add it, either with the red sheets or a piece of furniture in this color. They will bring joy and above all energy.
  • You can transform an old piece of furniture and paint it red, so you will restore it and give it a second life.

As you have seen, the color red can be our protagonist when decorating. It is used at specific moments to create dynamism and break the monotony of our environment.

Put into practice our tips to transform your home and give it that different and, above all, original touch.

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